Chamberlain Care

Part A.

For this assignment, you will complete 3 parts selected concepts, scholarly reading/resourses and related concepts . A template form as been attached and a sample to complete the assignment . Use the references link to answer each topic.

  1. 4 Selected Concepts are a ,b ,c, d –( From your personal or health care experience, share a nursing or patient situation that illustrates the selected concept.) 
  2. Chamberlain Care


Groenwald, S. L. (2016, December 7). Creating a caring culture [Blog post]. U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation.

  1. Signs of compassion and fatigue


Powell, S. K. (2020). Compassion fatigue. Professional Case Management, 25(2), 53-55.​

     c.)  Self care as a nurse


Stone, A. (2021). ANA: Nurses should remember the importance of self-care.

d.)  General Adaptation Syndrome.


Knapp, J. (2015, February 1). General adaptation syndrome model [Video]. YouTube.


  1. Scholarly Reading/Resources:

Utilizing your scholarly resources, outline the role of the nurse in the shared scenario.  

  1. Related Concepts:

Apply previous knowledge gained in theory, clinical, or lab and how it links to the selected concept in the

     Part B

For this assignment, you will complete 3 parts selected concepts, scholarly reading/resourses and related concepts . A template form as been attached and a sample  template templates to complete the assignment . Use the references link to answer each topic.

  1. 2 Selected  Concept   are a and b
  2. Defining health and welliness


World Health Organization. (n.d.). Constitution.


Paxton, Patterson. (2017, April 27). The eight dimensions of wellness [Video]. YouTube.

b.)  Nurses as promoters of health


World Health Organization. (1986). The Ottawa charter for health promotion. ​

  1. Scholarly Reading/Resources:

Utilizing your scholarly resources, outline the role of the nurse in the shared scenario.  

  • Related Concepts:

Apply previous knowledge gained in theory, clinical, or lab and how it links to the selected concept in the


  1. Selected concept


  • Introduction to Mindfullness



Klisiewicz, T. (n.d.). Introduction to mindfulness [Video]. The Mindful & Resilient Nurse.

  • Stress Response



Klisiewicz, T. (n.d.). Stress response [Video]. The Mindful & Resilient Nurse.


  1. Scholarly Reading/Resources:

Utilizing your scholarly resources, outline the role of the nurse in the shared scenario.  


  • Related Concepts:

Apply previous knowledge gained in theory, clinical, or lab and how it links to the selected concept in the


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