Module 4: Discussion Health Prevention and Health Promotion
Health Prevention and Health Promotion
Main discussion: Consider the following example of how the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) might be applied to a person in your community whom has just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes: Randy is a 30 year old male diagnosed 8 weeks ago with type 2 diabetes.
He is having a hard time following his doctors orders of taking his 500mg of metformin BID, getting 30 minutes of physical activity 3-5 times per week, and following a diabetic diet (4-5 servings of carbohydrates per meal with 1-2 servings of carbohydrates per snack; his meal plan consists of breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner), and checking his blood sugars at fasting and 2 hrs post dinner.
Randy works 40 hours per week as a construction worker, is paid under the table and does not currently have health insurance. He was referred to the local health department to attend their diabetes education program by the doctor at the free clinic.
Considering the six stages of the TTM, how can you as the community health nurse help Randy work towards compliance? Please respond to one of your classmate’s postings by Friday; replies should be substantive and at least 150 words