Discussion 7 – Video Exercise: White Rock

Discussion 7 – Video Exercise: White Rock

White Rock Beverage, a producer of soft drinks and sparkling waters, was founded in 1871. In 1900, White Rock was the upscale beverage of choice, ranked number one in the market; a century later, White Rock ranked number 100. When the company’s current president, Larry, who is the great-great-grandson of the founder, took over the business it was struggling mightily. One customer controlled half of White Rock’s distribution, and that customer dropped the White Rock brand. To keep the business afloat, White Rock adopted a hybrid distribution system and acquired a new brand. Growth has been fueled by the acquisition of the Old Brooklyn brand of beverages. White Rock revamped Old Brooklyn’s production process to make it a tastier, healthier product—a move that is consistent with White Rock’s positioning as a brand that is healthy and unique. The Old Brooklyn brand gives White Rock the opportunity to gain entry into premium outlets like Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods, as well as into supermarkets with premium beverage sections. After getting the White Rock brand back on track, the company has enjoyed continued growth, but it is nonetheless a mature brand. The more substantial growth opportunity is in the Old Brooklyn brand.


  1. What does a SWOT analysis reveal about White Rock?
  2. How has White Rock used market segmentation, targeting, and positioning in developing and executing a plan to ensure the survival and success of the company?
  3. How has White Rock used the 4Ps of marketing—product, price, place, and promotion—to develop and execute a plan for ensuring the survival and success of the company?

[Your post must be substantive and demonstrate insight gained from the course material. Postings must be in the student’s own words – do not provide quotes!] [Your initial post should be at least 450+ words and in APA format (including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced). Post the actual body of your paper in the discussion thread then attach a Word version of the paper for APA review]

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