Income And Wealth Inequality

Income And Wealth Inequality

  • Describe how a country can measure its income inequality.
  • Evaluate the trend in the measure of income inequality for the United States from 1940–2020.
  • Evaluate the roles of globalization and advances in technology as causes of widening income inequality in the United States.
  • Compare wealth inequality to income inequality.
  • Explain trends in wealth inequality in the United States from 1940–2020.
  • Evaluate two causes of wealth inequality in the United States.
  • Evaluate the role of healthcare inequality as it relates to income and wealth inequality.
  • Estimate the wealth gap between those who have access to private insurance and those who do not.
  • Evaluate whether increasing access to affordable or free healthcare can reduce income or wealth inequality.
  • Make one recommendation on how to reduce income or wealth inequality if you were a federal policy maker.
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