Suggest some of the advantages and disadvantages of building a system

Write a 750 word response  to the topic: “Suggest some of the advantages and disadvantages of building a system from the ground up. If given a choice between a packaged solution and building one from the ground up, which would you choose? Defend your choice.”

  • Use APA style writing as well as examples in the book for your projects

Reading material and Textbook:

Essentials of Systems Analysis and Design – Valacich/George/Hoffer, 6th edition, Pearson.

Chapter 2: The Sources of Software – Where does a professional unearth the software pieces needed for a business application system? Discover the six sources of software that are available and the criteria used to evaluate software.

Chapter 3: Managing the Information Systems Project – Explore project management skills needed to run all technical and managerial functions of a systems project. Discover how commercial software can help in the critical path scheduling process.

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