Fabulous Store Sungai Petani

Answer it step by step, starting from issue till conclusion.

Rewrite the question before answering it.

iii. Support your answer with relevant section(s), case, condition, test and effect (if any).

iv. Submit softcopy of your answer to your class representative before.

v. Class rep need to compile all answers and submit to me in pdf format b.

vi. All groups are required to present your question and answer (slidepresentation) during lecture.

vii. No Turnitin is required.1.Fabulous Store is one of the largest hypermarket chains in Malaysia.

Last week, Fabulous Store Sungai Petani held a grand mid-year sale over the weekend. Jenny, a keen shopper, joined a huge crowd entering the store as soon as it was open in the morning. Jenny decided to go to the womens wear department on the second floor and rode an escalator with a dozen of other shoppers. As she neared the top, she stepped from the escalator onto a floor panel which gave way under her weight. A few shoppers managed to grab and pull her up saving her from being swallowed by the escalator.

Unfortunately, Jenny suffered a serious injury on both legs as a result of the incident.

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