Quality Improvement Stakeholder’s & Teams

Quality Improvement Stakeholder’s & Teams

Read the following attachment:

How Might Patient Involvement in Healthcare Quality Improvement Efforts Work—A Realist Literature Review.

Watch the following video:

Quality: The Process Improvement Team and Plan-Do-Check-Act (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dndmsIOrAQ)

Quality improvement in health care organizations involves a system of continuously finding better approaches to provide quality patient care and service. Health care delivery is complex and accomplished by a team of health care professionals. At its core, quality improvement is a team process and effort. In the health care ecosystem, there are various external stakeholders who have a stake on quality of care. Each internal or external stakeholder can make significant contributions to sustain quality of care and patient safety.

In 300 to 400 words:

• Identify internal stakeholders and their roles in quality improvement.

• Determine external stakeholders (e.g., payors, regulatory agencies, accrediting entities, etc.) and their roles in quality improvement.

• Evaluate the role of the patients and their family members in continuous quality improvement.

• Discuss the importance of a team in quality and risk management.

Support your response with at least two scholarly sources published within the last 5 years in APA Style.

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