Utilize the Millie Larsen Case Study

Utilize the Millie Larsen Case Study and formulate one priority nursing diagnosis with supporting assessment data that demonstrates that this is a priority problem. List the assessment data under either subjective (what Millie might state) and/or objective (what is reported within the case study such as test results) data. at least one goal/outcome that you plan for Millie to reach and develop at least 3 nursing interventions to help Millie reach that goal/outcome. The three nursing interventions need to include 1) one assessment 1) one physical intervention that the nurse would perform, and 1) one patient teaching intervention. Give rationales explaining why each intervention will help alleviate or resolve this problem. For the evaluation step of this nursing care plan, you will need to speak to what & how you would evaluate your interventions’ effectiveness in meeting the desired patient goal/outcome, as if you carried this out. This form needs to be filled in and submitted by the due date. There should be no blank spaces in order for you to obtain full credit for this assignment.



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PRIORITY NURSING DIAGNOSIS (PES Format- PROBLEM related to ETIOLOGY as manifested by SYMPTOMS or defining characteristics)

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GOAL(S)/OUTCOME(S) (Include goals utilizing the SMART format: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely)

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IMPLEMENTATION (Nursing/Collaborative Interventions/Care Strategies – minimum 3 per goal/outcome)

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RATIONALE FOR CARE INTERVENTIONS/STRATEGIES (Explanation of how/why your interventions work to resolve the problem)

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EVALUATION (Assess client to determine if they met the goal(s)/outcome(s) established. Provide evidence to support your evaluation. If goal(s)/outcome(s) were not met- what other interventions may be needed?)

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Millie Larsen is an 84-year-old Caucasian female who lives alone in a small home. Her husband, Harold, passed away a year ago and she has a cat, Snuggles, who is very important to her. Millie has one daughter, Dina Olsen, who is 50, that lives nearby, and is Millie’s major support system. Her current medical problems include hypertension, glaucoma, elevated cholesterol levels, osteoarthritis of the knee, stress incontinence, osteoporosis, and diabetes mellitus.

Millie is at the clinic for routine examination and medication follow up. She is taking several antihypertensive and anti-diabetic medications, along with diuretics, and analgesics. During the follow-up visit, Millie provides important details of how she views her current life situation. Millie states that she has not felt right and was hoping that within this visit, she could obtain information about her health and what she might be able to do so that she could feel better. Testing and exam have found Millie to be dehydrated with some mild electrolyte imbalances. She is admitted to the hospital, swabbed for influenza, and placed on droplet precautions until testing is completed.

Two hours later, Millie is found to be confused and pulling on the intravenous line that was inserted for necessary fluid replacement. The RN put Millie on “fall precautions” and obtained an order for soft restraints to keep Millie from pulling out the IV line. The provider also ordered a urine sample for testing to be obtained via straight catheterization if Millie is unable to void on her own.

Module 4 Several weeks have passed since the clinic visit, and Millie is now re-admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of urinary tract infection and dehydration. Her presentation is atypical, and she is confused. Upon the admission assessment, the nurse notices that Millie has a wound on her sacrum and asks her if it is painful. Millie states that “it does hurt, so I have just been lying down more.” The nurse places a gauze dressing over the wound and continues with the assessment.

She is now being cared for on a medical-surgical unit and because she is confused, she has a bed alarm for her safety. Millie needs much encouragement to get out of bed and walk to the bathroom so has become more incontinent and requires frequent bed changes. She is receiving intravenous fluids and medications for the urinary tract infection. Millie appears weak and underweight as she is only eating about one quarter of her meals. She refuses to drink the supplements that she is offered and sometimes refuses to take her medications.

A few days later, it is noted that the wound has worsened and now has purulent drainage with a foul odor which will require referral to a wound nurse for additional care. Wound cultures are positive for methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).

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