As part of the contingency planning for your organization’s exit strategy


As part of the contingency planning for your organization’s exit strategy, you have researched and analyzed a potential alternative buyer. As the possibility increases that the original buyer will withdraw from the deal, your VP has asked you to create a short investor pitch to help convince the alternative buyer to acquire the organization.


Record a short investor pitch video that highlights why the identified alternative buyer should be interested in buying the organization in the case scenario. Your video should include a PowerPoint presentation that uses data and visuals you have created in earlier modules to support your pitch.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Overview: Using relevant information and research completed in previous module assignments, provide a brief overview that addresses the following information (slides 1–3):
    1. An overview of the organization; include location, size, and market position compared with other competitors in the industry.
    2. An appropriate reason why the organization’s owners want to sell; you may consider factors such as value creation, competition, synergy, and product diversification to justify your answer. Also, consider the information you obtained from the top competitors’ analyses in previous assignments.
  2. Important Attributes: Describe three key attributes that make the organization an attractive investment opportunity for potential buyers. (slides 4–5)
  3. Advantages of Acquisition: Identify two specific advantages the alternative buyer will gain by acquiring the organization and provide a rationale. (slides 6–7)
    1. Use your research and analysis from Milestone Three to identify advantages specific to the potential buyer organization.

Guidelines for Submission

Using Bongo, record a video that is 3–5 minutes long.

If you are not able to record a video, you should reach out to your instructor and discuss submitting the assignment in an alternative format.

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