Simulation Exercise Explosion in Bobsville

Disasters and Mental Health Discussion Questions:

Disasters and emergencies are stressful for many people including survivors, families, rescue workers, communities, etc.  According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (2017), “When people experience a disaster, they may experience a variety of reactions, many of which are natural responses to difficult situations.”

Considering the Simulation Exercise Explosion in Bobsville, please answer the following questions:

  1. What could be the potential psychological consequences of this traumatic event for Bobsville and General County residents?
  2. What are the potential planning interventions that public health, hospitals, and elected leaders should be looking at to support the mental health needs of the citizens?
  3. Are there any particular concerns or immediate issues related to children’s mental health in this disaster situation?
  4. Are there any particular concerns or immediate issues related to first responders mental health in this disaster situation?
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