Quantitative scenario Forensic Psychology

Table of Contents

Day 3

This week is only about the quantitative scenario. Repost, or build on or refine as needed, your quantitative scenario using the following headings and according to the italicized instructions given for each element:

Program of Study: Forensic Psychology.

Social problem: Domestic violence is a critical issue in the United States. Research indicates that over 10 million Americans experience domestic violence every year (Huecker et al, 2022). Domestic violence includes psychological, emotional, sexual, physical, and economic abuse of adults, children, or elders. Several factors,including some forms of mental health illnesses such as depression and schizophrenia contribute to domestic violence.

Quantitative research problem: Although many studies have looked at the connection between mental health and domestic violence, little is known of the association between the severity of domestic violence and domains of mental health.

Quantitative research purpose: The purpose of this research is to determine the association between the severity of domestic violence and domains of mental health such as subjective well-being, functioning, and risk to others.

Quantitative research question: To what extent do domains of mental health such as subjective well-being, symptoms, functioning, and risk to self or others contribute to the severity of domestic violence?

Theory or conceptual framework: Exosystem Factor Theory. According to this theory, life stressors or life events can serve as predictors of domestic violence (Hyde-Nolan & Juliao, 2012). However, life stressors result in domestic violence when other specific factors exist these include social isolation, low marital satisfaction, and most importantly, mental health illness. This theory will provide a phenomenon for understanding the above-mentioned social problem and interpreting research results.

Qualitative research problem: According to Voth & Edmond (2018), some mental illnesses such as schizophrenia can affect one’s thinking and can bring hallucinations which can then affect their actions leading to violence. There is a significant amount of research exploring how mental health illnesses contribute to domestic violence. However, few researchers have explored the relationship between specific mental health factors such as childhood trauma, long-term stress, and economic issues and domestic violence.

Qualitative research purpose: The purpose of this qualitative study is to explore the relationship between specific mental health factors such as childhood trauma, long-term stress, and economic issues and domestic violence.

Qualitative research question: How do mental health factors, such as childhood trauma, long-term stress, and economic issues contribute to domestic violence?

Theory or conceptual framework: Same as quantitative.


Huecker, M. R., King, K. C., Jordam, G. A., & Smock, W. (2022).Domestic Violence. StatPearls [Internet].

Hyde-Nolan, M. E., & Juliao, T. (2012). Theoretical basis for family violence. Family violence: What health care providers need to know, 5-16.

Voth Schrag, R. J., & Edmond, T. E. (2018). Intimate partner violence, trauma, and mental health need among female community college students. Journal of American college health66(7), 702-711.

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