Psychological Tests

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Psychological Tests

Find a psychological test to review. Use resources such as the  Online Library, the Internet, and printed journals and reports to research various psychological tests.

Select the psychological testing area that interests you and relates to your choice of future profession.

Create a 3- to 4-page r eport in a Microsoft Word document that addresses the following:

There are three parts to this assignment.

Part I:

Develop a well thought out introduction that incorporates the following:

  • The title of the test, including the edition and form if applicable.
  • A brief introduction of the psychological test you have selected.
  • An explanation of the reasons you chose the test.
  • A brief description of the psychological test.
  • The names of the authors or author of the selected psychological test.
  • A brief description of what the authors or author did (the method) to conduct the test and what the major findings were of the test.
  • The name of the publisher and the date of publication of the selected psychological test.
  • The cost of taking the test (e.g., booklets, answer sheets, other test materials).

Part II:

Aspects of the test: Create a narrative that integrates the following information:

  • The test content, which should include a brief description of the following:
    • The constructs, domains, or variables that the selected test measures.
    • The unidimensionality or multidimensionality of the construct that the test measures.
    • The theoretical and empirical foundations of the test.
  • The purpose of the test, which should include a brief description of the following:
    • The potential uses of the test.
    • The target audience for the test.
  • The test structure, which should include a brief description of the following:
    • The length of the test or the number of test items.
    • The minimum time required to take the test.
    • Subscales, if applicable.
    • Test item format.
  • Test administration details, which include:
    • The test administration procedures.
    • The necessary administrator qualifications or training.
    • Any special testing conditions that must be considered.
    • A description of the provisions to be made for the online administration of the test.
  • Test scoring details, which include:
    • The type of scoring or scaling.
    • The scoring procedures (including the availability of scoring keys and scoring services).
    • The subscale, factor, or dimension scores.
    • A description on the provisions to be made for the online scoring of the test.

Part III:

Standardization or Normative Sample: A narrative that includes the following:

  • A brief description of the size and demographics of the standardization sample.
  • A description of procedures followed in obtaining the sample.
  • A brief description of the adequacy of the standardization sample.
  • A brief description of the adequacy of norms provided, such as the availability of subgroup norms, if applicable.

Support your responses with examples.

Using APA format, appropriately cite your sources throughout the assignment and include references on a separate page.

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