Disaster Preparedness Plan in a Hospital

With the increased disasters and mass casualties in recent years, there is an increased need for emergency management and response. However, it is necessary to plan and prepare for emergencies long before they occur. Emergency preparedness should be a multi-agency effort that incorporates the whole community.

 After the 11 September 2001, tragedy in New York City, the Hurricane Katrina disaster in New Orleans on 29 August 2005, and the bioterrorism scares in recent years, hospitals have been forced to reevaluate the effectiveness of their current disaster preparedness plans. They must assess whether the current plans will work in the event of an emergency, and the administration must decide what changes must be made to make the plans more successful.

 For example, the Opioid Crisis requires collaboration and coordination between law enforcement, fire rescue, EMS, hospitals, and drug rehab facilities. Dr. Jessica Sapp contributed an article, “Working Together: How Law Enforcement and EMS Are Responding to the Opioid Crisis” to the APUS magazine, A Public Health Perspective on the Opioid Crisis. This article demonstrates the importance of working together. You can read the full magazine and article (pgs. 42-43) at http://online.fliphtml5.com/aaesa/wobq/.

 Discuss the following (please answer the questions based on your degree program of study):

 MPH Students:

 Discuss the benefits of a disaster preparedness plan in a hospital or public health organization.

What are the benefits of emergency planning?

Given the recent changes in the need for better disaster preparedness, should these alterations in disaster preparedness be left up to the hospital, or should the government take a more central role in all disaster preparedness?

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