musical moods described in the third and fourth stanzas of Jazz Fantasi

Contrast: Contrast three of the musical moods described in the third and fourth stanzas of Jazz Fantasia.

(b) Analyze: What do these changing moods suggest about the power of jazz to capture human experience? Explain.

2. (a) Identify the series of colors named or suggested in Meeting at Night.

(b) Analyze: How might this color series reflect the speaker’s emotional and physical journey? Explain, citing details from the poem. 3. (a) List four adjectives that Hughes uses to describe the music in The Weary Blues (b) Interpret: Why do you think he uses the verb rather than (c) Infer: What mood do the adjectives, verb, and song lyrics create? Explain. 4. Interpret: In the poem Reapers, what perception of farm labor does the final image convey? Explain, citing details from the poem. 5. Paraphrase (a) In the first stanza of Meeting at Night, what action is performed and who or what performs it? (b) Write a paraphrase of the first stanza. 6. Paraphrase the third stanza of  Jazz Fantasia. 7. Sound Devices (a) Using a chart like the one shown, identify examples of sound devices in The Weary Blues and Jazz Fantasia. (b) Explain what each example adds to the poem.

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