Jesus’ Teaching Ministry
The Public ministry of Jesus is composed of his teaching, healing, and table fellowship.
Provide one (1) concrete example related to each ministry that you can do as
a) a student and a member of your family, and
b) a member of a community. Also, explain how your examples can help radiate God’s
Please present your output following this order:
1. Jesus’ Teaching Ministry (10 points)
a) This is an example of what I can do as a student and a member of my family:
b) This is what I can do as a member of my community:
c. This is how my actions help build God’s Kingdom among us:
2. Jesus’ Healing Ministry (10 points)
a) This is an example of what I can do as a student and a member of my family:
b) This is what I can do as a member of my community:
c. This is how my actions help build God’s Kingdom among us:
3. Jesus’ Table Fellowship Ministry (10 points)
a) This is an example of what I can do as a student and a member of my family:
b) This is what I can do as a member of my community:
c. This is how my actions help build God’s Kingdom among us:
2. As Christian disciples, cite two (2) concrete ways on how you can allow God to journey with
you today, especially in this time of the pandemic. (10 points)