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SU_BUS7000_W5-Reflection Paper
Reflection Paper
Reflecting on your learning and engaging with a mentor are important elements in a full, doctoral development experience. For this final, graded assignment in BUS7000, you will construct a reflection paper as your first professional journal. During your program, you will have the opportunity to complete an ungraded professional journal at the conclusion of each course and receive feedback from a faculty mentor. You will have the same faculty mentor throughout your program. By consistently completing a reflection journal, you will build a record of important resources, new insights, action plans, and future directions for research and career.
- Synthesize your key learning outcomes over the last five weeks, including important resources and new insights.
- Summarize: In what ways might you see yourself fitting into the business or academic world after you complete your degree?
- Justify your specific action plan going forward.
- Evaluate content areas of research that have piqued your interest. Where might you focus your research in the coming courses? Have you assessed possible dissertation topics?
- Critique potential areas of impact or opportunities for your career.
Submission Details:
- Submit your paper in a 4 to 5 page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.
- Name the document SU_BUS7000_W5_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
- By the due date assigned, submit the document to Submissions Area.