Search Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 19.306

Search Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 19.306 and use it to answer the following question. What is required when an offeror protests the apparently successful offeror’s status as a qualified Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone) small? Select two that apply.

  • The offeror must be an interested party in the acquisition.
  • The interested party must submit the HUBZone status protest in writing and must srtate all specific grounds for the protest.
  • Offerors cannot protest the apparently successful offerors status as a HUBZone small business. As long as a small business is registered with the Small Business Administration (SBA) HUBZone Program, they are considered a HUBZone small business.
  • The offer must also submit a size status HUBZone protest.
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