Art can corrupt and degrade even decent people

Which philosopher would most likely accept the following argument: (1) Art can corrupt and degrade even decent people, (2) If art can corrupt and degrade even decent people, then art should not be allowed in a well-ordered society, (3) Thus, art should not be allowed in a well-ordered society.

Matthew Kieran
All of the above

According to the traditional definition of knowledge, knowledge is justifed, true, belief.



Even if Myrick’s act of deciding to experiment on homeless people in effort to cure paralysis did not maximize utility or happiness (suppose he fails to cure paralysis), an act-utilitarian would still say that his act was morally right.



At the beginning of Meditation II, Descartes discovers that he can be certain that

the evil genius exists
he is awake
he has hands
he exists

The view that we lack knowledge is called

propositional knowledge

Descartes claims that we can easily distinguish being asleep from being awake.



According to the hard determinist, human beings are responsible for all of their actions.



Descartes assumes that knowledge requires absolute certainty.



The malevolent computers in the film The Matrix represent an updated version of Descartes’

piece of wax
basket of apples
discussion of the senses
evil genius

According to Aristotle, the best tragedies involve a character with whom the viewer can identify, neither much better nor much worse than most of us.



According to a libertarian, Lola’s decision to enter the casino is ultimately caused by:

an earlier event
Lola’s need for money
an event that takes place in Lola’s brain
Lola herself

According to Matthew Kieran, the role of public art institutions is to give place to good and great art, even if some of those artworks are controversial or morally disquieting.



In the Meditations, Descartes wants to find out if there is anything that

he can doubt
he cannot perceive
he can be absolutely certain of
can get rid of the evil genius

If a hard determinist such as d’Holbach were to view the film Run, Lola Run, he would say that:

all of Lola’s actions are free and she is responsible for them.
some of Lola’s actions are free, but she isn’t responsible for any of them.
none of Lola’s actions are free, and she isn’t responsible for any of them.
some of Lola’s actions are free, and she is responsible for those actions.

Kant would find Myrick’s research in Extreme Measures morally acceptable.



According to Aristotle, the purpose of tragedy is to bring about a catharsis, a purging of the emotions, in the audience through the experience of fear and pity.



Mill would say that the morality of an act depends on

the motive of the agent.
its consequences.
the categorical imperative.
what God thinks about it.

According to Aristotle, the reason why we find art pleasurable is because it does not make reason or exercise our understanding.



According to the soft determinist, although determinism is true, some human actions are free.



The film The Matrix forces the viewer to confront the question

is belief required for knowledge?
why is there something rather than nothing?
what is virtue?
how do I know that the world I perceive is real?
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