Research On Boarding Program
Research On Boarding Program
The purpose for this research is to investigate what is necessary for an onboarding program that will make the employees satisfied. The result of my research can be used to implement a better onboarding process for new employees and interns.
Provisional problem statement (Please note: Formulate an open question)
What are the needs of bnb manager’ interns and new employees regarding an onboarding program? And how important is onboarding for their employee satisfaction?
.4. List possible topics related to the problem that could be discussed in the literature review, and reference (APA referencing standards apply) some relevant sources (e.g. handbooks & research articles)
Onboarding in the real estate Branche
Onboarding in the hospitality industry
What is the impact of onboarding regarding employee satisfaction?
Onboarding and organizational culture?
Chapter 1: Introduction
This first chapter contains four sections: Topic description/Context, Literature Review, Conceptual
Model, and the Project Definition.
1.1 Topic Description/Context
This section will contain three clearly divided sub-sections that are ordered from a general perspective
(or rationale) to your specific description of an identified problem in/for the host organisation and
purpose of the research—you could compare the structure of this section with a funnel.
1.1.1 Context and rationale for the study
Your specific research project does not come out of thin air without any connection with the real world
of academia and industry. Therefore, you have to explain the relevance of your research project/
subject against the background of the international hospitality/tourism/service industry. In doing so,
you will need to reference some of the key academic literature, business and organisation reports
and other sources on the subject.
Management Project Handbook for students (version August 2021)
1.1.2 Problem description
A clear description of the problem and its context within the (Industrial Placement) company should
present an in-depth analysis of the current situation. Key actors must be identified and examples of
critical incidents or processes that occur in the company and are closely related to the identified
problem area should be provided. This information about the problem may come from conversations
with management, with front line staff, from own observations, from databases, surveys, etc. It might
be helpful to use open-ended questions (see PBL) or to map the issues to develop a complete
1.1.3 Purpose and relevance of the study
The purpose describes an internal goal (a knowledge part), in which you describe the knowledge you
would like to gain. The external goal describes how the outcomes of your study could contribute to
the company in regard to the identified problem. Tip: ask yourself, what the (Industrial Placement)
company should know and what could be done with the results of your research?
This purpose gives direction to your research project. It is rooted in the problem description and leads
to the project definition. Every time you take a decision you have to ask yourself: am I still aligned
with the purpose of my research? Please note that the purpose is not intended to describe what you
intend to do in your MP.
After this section the outline of the Proposal is given; what can the reader expect from here onwards?
Aspects Indicative Content
Structure The sub-sections move from a general/broad discussion of the
research topic area in hospitality/service industry research to the
particular case and questions in the placement company (funnel
The sub-sections have headings.
The sub-sections have clearly distinguished contents.
Rationale / Context The research topic is placed in the broader context of hospitality/
service industry research and practice to support and justify the
appropriateness of the research topic.
Problem description The description entails critical incidents/urgency of research related to
the problem within the company; the description includes identified
related relevant processes, key actors, policies, etc.
The description clearly distinguishes between main and side issues.
The description justifies the purpose of the research.
Purpose The purpose (internal and external goal) of the research project is
The purpose is rooted in the problem description.
The relevance of the research project for the (Industrial Placement)
company is explained and justified.
Please note: No Problem Statement and no information about the
research process itself is given here.
Proposal outline The outline of the Proposal report is given.
Style & References The section is written in the present tense.
The rationale and problem description are supported with referral to
academic and business sources in APA7.
Table 7: Structure & Content 1.1 Topic Description/Context
Management Project Handbook for students (version August 2021)
1.2 Literature Review
The review gives a clear overview of contemporary knowledge in regard to the research topic that
forms a strong base for the Problem Statement and Research Questions, and the MP in general.
In order to write the literature review, you must have selected a sufficient number of sources related
to your subject and closely related subjects. The MP should be based on at least 15 to 20 academic
, including five to seven peer-reviewed contemporary (five to ten years old) research articles.
Your literature review provides an overview of selected sources which are not older than 10 years,
and the relevant body of knowledge is critically discussed. Moreover, it serves to support the
argument behind your problem area, using evidence drawn from experts in your research field.
An appropriate literature review has a clear structure. It starts with an Introduction, in which the
review and the themes are introduced.
The main part, the Body, consists of several paragraphs (sub-sections), each of which includes several
critically discussed, compared and contrasted peer reviewed articles (for instance including
conclusions, methods, research participants and problem statements), and other relevant and
credible (academic) sources.
Finally, the Conclusion highlights the most relevant concepts directly related to the problem
description and purpose. Here, a link with your research project should be made.
Aspects Indicative Content
Structure The literature review has an appropriate Introduction–Body–Conclusion
structure on the different levels (in the total review and in individual
In the body, concepts and ideas flow from general to specific.
All sub-paragraphs have headers.
Content of literature review &
Each sub-paragraph has its own content: header and content are
consistent and there is no overlap between paragraphs.
Each sub-paragraph starts with clarification of (referenced) definitions
of concepts.
Per sub-paragraph, three to five sources are compared, contrasted, and
connected; the presentation goes beyond a descriptive summary.
Minimum of 15 – 20 relevant sources, including five to seven
contemporary peer reviewed journal articles.
The Review and its sub-paragraphs are internally coherent. Information
from the sources is mainly paraphrased (no more than 5% cited text in
total report) with quotes limited to 1-2 sentences.
No information about the company is given, unless some remarks in the
Key concepts from the Review correspond with Conceptual Model
Style & Referencing The text is well-written (logical reasoning; sound argumentation;
coherent; appropriate academic English).
The section is written in the present tense.
Correct APA referencing in-text (citation) and in the Reference List: a
reference must point to an entry in the Reference List; each entry in
the Reference List must be represented by a reference in the text.
Citations are introduced and explained (correctly integrated) in the
running text.
Used sources are read and reviewed by the student—no second-hand
referencing (‘as cited in…’) is presented (exceptions to be discussed
with supervisor).
Table 8: Structure & Content 1.2 Literature Review
2 The number of sources can depend on the field of research and MP topic.
Management Project Handbook for students (version August 2021)
1.3 Conceptual Model
After completing your Literature Review, it is time to develop a Conceptual Model. The Conceptual
Model is an analytical scheme, which simplifies reality. Your conceptual model represents the key
concepts gathered from the literature and presented in your Literature Review. You show how all the
concepts fit together and relate to one another. In this way, it helps you to understand the
relationships between the concepts.
Figure 2: Extensive example Conceptual model (Mesmer-Magnus & DeChurch, 2009)
An example of a conceptual model is shown in figure 2. After displaying the model, an explanation
needs to be added about what the reader reads in which you follow the flow of the model.
Note: The conceptual model is neither a flow chart for your own research project nor a mind map or
concept map as used in PBL. There are many different layouts when it comes to conceptual models.
Aspects Indicative Content
Structure A simple visualization of key concepts discussed in the literature
review (less = more);
The used boxes and arrows identify starting point, end point and
indicate relations (Arrows may be used to indicate (presumed)
cause/effect, direction of influence, sequence, dependence and the
Content of model The presented key concepts and their relations correspond with those
identified and described in the Literature Review.
The model is related to the Problem Statement/Research Questions.
Content explanations The section includes a concise explanation of all the components and
relations/links in a brief text (the explanation text should not be an
extension of the literature review).
The section is written in the present tense.
Table 9: Structure & Content 1.3 Conceptual Model
Team Task Type
Discussion Structure
Information Processing:
Task Demonstrability
Discussion Structure
Member Redundancy:
Member Similarity
Informational Independence
Information Distribution
Information Sharing:
Uniqueness v. Openness
Team Performance
Management Project Handbook for students (version August 2021)
1.4 Project Definition
Now that you have gone through relevant literature, extended your knowledge base, and developed
the conceptual model, you decide on the main focus of your research. As a result, you can define
Problem Statement and Research Questions that will guide the data collection.
You have to present a problem statement and related research questions while clarifying their
All research questions need to be derived from and cover the aspects of the Problem Statement. Be
aware that the Research Questions have to be answerable and should neither be too narrow nor too
It might be helpful to use an applicable verb that reflects your research aim. In quantitative studies
verbs such as: effect, cause, relate, impact, and determine etc. and in qualitative studies verbs such
as explore, understand, describe etc. could be used.
Aspects Indicative Content Structure The Problem Statement and each Research Question guiding the research are introduced. Questions The Problem Statement is aligned with the Problem Description and Purpose, and is related to the Conceptual
The Research Questions are logically derived from the
Problem Statement.
The Reason for the Research Questions is explained.
Quality of the Questions The questions are open, specific, and concisely
[Questions in quantitative research could be formulated
as closed questions].
The Problem statement is aligned with the type of
Table 10: Structure & Content 1.4 Project Definition