Assignment Help- Jim is a 72 year old man with stage 4 pancreatic cancer.

You are a care worker who is working in a palliative care unit. Jim is a 72 year old man with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. Jim has had chemotherapy, which initially looked like it would be successful, but last week Jim was told by the oncologist that the chemo was no longer effective. Jim and his wife Thelma, talked it over and they both decided that they would like Jim to remain at home for as long as possible- hopefully being able to die peacefully and with dignity in his home. Jim has been referred to the community palliative care team. you work with this team and you are meeting with Jim and Thelma today to put together an advance care plan.

  • Identify that Jim’s needs will vary from now until his death.
  • Support Jim and Thelma to talk about their needs, including physical, cultural and spiritual needs.
  • Communicate with Jim and Thelma appropriately.
  • Respect Thelma’s role as an integral part of Jim’s care team.
  • Identify any needs and issues that may be outside of your own boundaries and refer to appropriate person for advice.
  • Respect Jim’s dignity of risk.
  • Accurately record all information in the advance care plan template.
  • Report your observation to the supervisor.
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