Assignment Help- Carmen Sanchez is a 36-year-old Hispanic woman.

Carmen Sanchez is a 36-year-old Hispanic woman. She has come to the clinic today for a follow-up visit after being diagnosed 1 month ago with diabetes. At her last visit, she was provided with education on diabetes. While the nurse is preparing to take the client’s vital signs, the client states “My husband just lost his job and I do not know what we are going to do. His blood pressure has been up also, but he doesn’t want to go to the doctor.” The Sanchez family have three children ages 3, 5, and 8. She does not work outside the home. The children are involved in after-school baseball and soccer, and, since they only have one car, the client has to walk the children to their practices when she is not able to carpool. She admits to not being able to follow the diet recommended by the nutritionist because it is difficult to cook different meals for her family and herself. The nurse notices a bottle of soda and a bag of potato chips in the client’s bag. At this visit, her fasting blood glucose is 152 mg/dL.


a.   What further assessment is necessary for the nurse to conduct before making a nursing diagnosis?

b.   After careful review of the data collected and information provided by the client, what actions should the nurse take?

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