User and Stakeholder Registry- CapraTek Smart Thermostat iOS

User and Stakeholder Registry


Project Name: CapraTek Smart Thermostat iOS Date:  
Requirements Author:   Project Owner/Client:  


Stakeholder Name Position Title Responsibility Authority Project Interest or Other Notes Needs or Requirements
Within Project Scope
Angela Fernandez Customer Service Manager Member of the Team High Wants to be alerted of error codes instantaneously Capability to engage effectively with account creation and registration
Alexander Sanders Senior Director of Marketing Subject Matter Expert High Wants to collect appropriate customer data for marketing purposes. Smartphone access for remote access
Michael Clinton Director of Product Alliances Bug-fixing coordination High Upgrades to software Smartphone devices and Computers
Beth Styles Senior Software Engineer Engineering problems Low All major accomplishments and timeframes Software prototype
Stephen McGregor Corporate General Counsel Consultants High Consultant regarding State and Federal regulations and also The application should be safe and in full compliance with state and federal regulatory standards.
Peter Bradley New Product Development Director Overall level of quality of the product High Quality assurance management creation of a marketing strategy, creation of a new product


Vice President of Research And development Making Decisions, Budgeting, and Penultimate Authorizations High Project Success Budget allocations.


User Name User Type Needs or Requirements Within Project Scope
Bradley Prospective Client Security access controls, the capacity to develop multiple accounts with varying levels of access, automation control mechanisms, and the ability to set and save predefined upper and lower limits temperature restrictions are all accessible.
Brandon Prospective Client Controlling numerous points of access with a mobile phone and voice commands
Cassandra Prospective Client Multi-point access control, and a UI that showcases both the set and current temperature changes
McIntosh Prospective Client Customer and technical assistance
Brock Prospective Client Automation controls, delay time functionality with automation controls, and simple UI navigation are all accessible.
Melinda Prospective Client Multi-point access control via smartphone is required, and also controls to set predefined upper and lower limits temperature constrictions.
Michelle Prospective Client Needs to be able to use a cellphone to update an account, add or remove devices from an account, and change configurations.
Nahashon Prospective Client The ability to remotely access thermostat settings is needed, as is the ease of adaptability of the thermostat to other places.


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