New Mexico technological innovations

New Mexico technological innovations


New Mexico has been recognized as the leader in scientific developments and research worldwide since the 1930s. New Mexico has made history as the state that pushes scientific boundaries and makes renowned discoveries in technology. The technological ecosystem in New Mexico is diverse since they got everything ranging from established and renowned innovators such as Intel to their own tech companies. The corporations in New Mexico have unmatched access to talent and R & D amenities. This is because New Mexico is the residence of three of the best research universities and research facilities around the globe. New Mexico is home to many technological innovations due to its advanced knowledge of artificial technology.

Green AI

The Green AI is a crop-scouting capability that has a sensor module that uses artificial intelligence. The Green AI helps the crop advisors and the farmers to monitor their farm produce (Geli et al.,). This way they architect pests, diseases, nutrient deficits, and weeds. The technological innovation is designed to detect any anomalies and using the technology instilled in it, it signals the farmer on their tablet or smartphone and provides data, sensor images, and also gives the farmer a way forward to improve the health of the plant. The technological innovation has changed the lives of the farmers in New Mexico since it has helped them identify a problem with their crops and administer treatment on time before the infected crop affects the rest. The Green AI has also dropped the cost of production for the farmers since they no longer waste fertilizers and chemicals on healthy crops.


In the year 1943, the Los Alamos National Laboratory was established in New Mexico. The initial purpose of the establishment was to build the atomic bomb. Today, the laboratory is used for national security and majors on security at the borders, nuclear proliferation, infrastructure security, and energy. The laboratory is also used for developing countermeasures for biological threats from terrorists and security infrastructure. Therefore, the lab’s main purpose is to assure the security, reliability of the nuclear deterrent of the New Mexico nation. The laboratory involves the use of fundamental scientific activities.

Another laboratory is the Sandia National Laboratories which has been in New Mexico since 1940. In collaboration with other industries, governmental agencies, and academic facilities, the laboratory is responsible for the development of defense systems, nuclear weapons, the assessment of climate and energy, and international, nuclear, and homeland security (Carayannis). The laboratory covers modeling and simulation and high-performance computing. It also covers microsystems and nanotechnologies. The innovation has helped the people by ensuring their security.

3D Glass Solutions & RS21

New Mexico harbors several quite several technology companies that showcase technological innovations in their products.  New Mexico is home to the company 3D Glass Solutions (Kinnan et al.,). The company is ranked as the number one manufacturer of good quality photonic passive components and 3D RF. The company aims to incorporate high-speed data transfer systems and communications into minimal footprints. It also ensures that it delivers quality, efficiency, and increased performance. The company 3D glass solutions engineers electronic devices and packages using ceramics that are photo-definable. The RS21 is a company that used scientific visualization, data, and platforms that are extremely intuitive to solve issues such as terrorism, crime, resilience, and health problems that affect the population. This innovation has created job opportunities for the residence of New Mexico and has also led to the growth of the state.

Works cited

Carayannis, Elias G., et al. “High-technology spin-offs from government R&D laboratories and research universities.” Technovation 18.1 (1998): 1-11.

Geli, Hatim, et al. “Climate Adaptive Smart Systems for Future Agricultural and Rangeland Production.” (2019).

Kinnan, Mark K., et al. NMSBA-RS21. No. SAND-2016-12693. Sandia National Lab (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2016.


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