Marketing Strategies

The Global pandemic –Covid -19 has resulted in adjustments to hotels, marketing, and other industries. It has coerced businesses to reevaluate their way of thinking and doing things currently and in the future to maintain a steady income stream. Even when brands seek to strike a good tone amidst the pandemic, future calls for an alteration of the market, creativity, more competition, and aggressive practices in marketing. The virus has caused unprecedented public health and economic concerns, mostly changing how businesses run and operate moving forward. The change will be on business operations, sustainability, growth, and the customer base. The primary concern is how hotels attract customers and promote their products and services.

Hotel occupancy rates currently sit below 21% across. As a result, the hotels look to optimize the marketing practices to reflect increasing online communication, transactions, and face time more with consumers. During such pandemics, it was critical for Oasia hotel to be discreet, be empathetic to our customer’s plight, and apply mindful marketing strategies. Oasia acknowledged the crisis, and we kept reflecting on the positive values that keep the customers coming back continuously. It was essential to find new niche opportunities that pivoted the hotel to survive and have a future growth platform.

Some of the marketing strategies viable include going social. Social media marketing over and over is a focus in the hospitality industry. We offered a unique, accessible, and eye-catching engagement to target the audience. Due to the covid restrictions, the social media use pushed to about 80% of consumers consuming social media content. With such information being vibrant on social platforms, we used to stay afloat. The customers wanted to know how the pandemic restrictions affect our hotel. They also asked what we were doing about the existing bookings and how we could help in adjusting to the new normal. We decided to give the hotel experience at home due to the changes that ensured safety. Oasia, for example, is running cocktail and cooking courses that are led by our chefs, whereby people subscribe over the social media. We are sharing tours of our hotel and doing competitions for various packages once the lift of restrictions occurs.

At Oasia, we know our niche. People are missing vacations and feeling bound to their houses whereby they would be out for their summer. With our marketing strategy, we have managed to keep the consumers engaged by tapping into the desire to get out and see the world. As a traveler and everyone else is running away from cramped and crowded places, we created a niche for a rural and remote locality that offers space. The space allows outdoor activities and assy social distancing. The rural space is easily accessible from the city. By so doing, it made us different from other hotels. We ensured a shallow risk retreat since the rural areas have not been struck by the pandemic, which made it a desirable location for customers who were stuck in the cities and suburbs for a lengthy time. Oasia ensured accessibility and affordability for the visitors and customers. We made accessibility easier even under restrictions of travel laws and lockdowns.

Another marketing strategy was little or no focus on the negative. The way we communicate our content has also shown it is essential as the message itself. We haven’t solely focused on the Covid-19 information during our marketing content creation. We are always using cheerful tones in our material. Instead of always using hashtags such as #covid 19 or #stayathome, we have focused on the opportunities such as #visituslater,#escapetonature, and #wemissyou. Oasia has worked tremendously to show customers what we have been doing. Its been great since they are excited about traveling; they feel reassured and have confidence in us that their safety is critical and a priority. We have upgraded the room services and transformed the restaurant and spa. There are outdoor solo activities and picnics, which are all new, and they intrigue changes as they bring a lot of new experiences.

Knowing Oasis competitors has always been an essential element in our marketing strategy. There are a few key points that helped boost our services competitive analysis. The ‘comp set’ is unique, evaluating the weaknesses and strengths compared to our competitors. The comparison is based on the quality of services, Geographical accessibility, and location. It is also based on the organization of events capacity, leisure facilities, and the number of rooms that can hold many groups—competition in the business results from two aspects which are changing customer profile and technological adaptation. Technology has balanced the field and contributed to facets in the industry, including communication, outreach, and banding. The trends are intended to shape the hotel, which is connected. Accessing the internet has become rootless to the digital natives and not just the same. Connectivity has increased and will continue to. With the proliferation of connecting wearables and devices in the industry, Oasia has to become more innovative in interacting with or engaging customers. Augmented reality interactions, authentic virtual tours, robotics, and AI are gradually driving the market, which is another travel experience delivered vicariously. Machine learning, analytics, and big data allow the curation and creation of personalized, extensive experiences for different customers. Marketing campaigns at times are leveraged seamlessly, and monitoring is done by keeping actual figures that are mindful of growth and optimization. It also enhances speedy customer services processes, email automation, feedback collecting, and engaging customers hence facilitation of downsizing or upscaling the hotel in line with the goals. Another competitive evaluation is the mobile-first approach, since everyone is anticipated to go online globally. Those are the potential customers who experience the guest lifecycle just on their phones; hence the hotel has no choice but to invest in a mobile-first guest engagement, mobile-friendly, and retention strategy. Clients are looking for personalized experiences, and innovative tech ways will be essential.

Change of brand experience and customer profiles is another competitive evaluation way. The industry has witnessed psychographic and demographic profiles. There is a new influx of millennials, and their lifestyle and expectations set different standards for the performance of hotels. The experience of customers is a dominant differentiator of the brands. It also drives customer referrals and loyalty, which expects the hotel to personalize, synthesize, and intricate loyalty. The differentiation and personalizing vary from the experiences created by the hotel.

Marketing is another factor in the evaluation of competition. Both the tangible and intangible have the hotel sell o.To succeed, it hinges on giving market services instead of just paying clients to purchase what the hotel is offering. Creating the correct brand image encourages the customers to have trust and conversions. Consistency identity is essential to the hotel as the clients have various fonts to engage our hotel. They are active in social media as it is a portal for engaging customers. Clients are at liberty to evaluate and research the hotel. The recommendations and reviews of different customers become crucial determinants for sales use. They also prove stability in the flow of revenue, and regular customers can be influencers in their way. All tools and any technology that is associated with marketing digitally needs  the hour  but it is cheaper and perfectly tuned to the preferences of customers.An engagement with the customer is a new age marketing practice which  supplies experience and will take the hotel above and beyond the competition.he sector at this point is profitable and poised for massive growth and very favourable investment amounts.Keeping all the points in mind has given Oasia significant advantage over our competitors.


In conclusion, The hotels are in a challenging situation at the moment.All in all,there are clear ways of accessing fantastic opportunities so as to engage with the customers and also keep our doors open.Marketing is crucial as it has helped the hotel in maximizing revenue and bookings.IIt has beajot way whereby the customers are able to get to us ,covey ou unique brand values and proposition selling.The marketing strategy carried out during the pandemic was to utilise all hotel facilities to innovate and create during the pandemic.The strategies used to the public provided great benefits for the existence of Oasia.The team learned new teavhings and bame innovative in production  of new things to increase the revenue of the hotel.Even though  Oasia  target dd not get to 100%,atkast it met the needs of people and the surroundings during the pandemic.The hotel is to remain consistent,maintain quality and the prices to ensure loyalty from their customers.The hotel is also transmitting clear messages on how we are confronting the virus with the aim of removing doubt to promote and implement hygiene measures.At Oasia we are following closely the actions of marketing as a way to face the new normal caused by the pandemic.WWE have opted for communication  regarding our actions also based on security.The purpose is to remove doubt to promote maximum measures of hygiene that are now being put in place.Technology is now a major contingency tool hence furthering transformation in the digital sector so as to meet personalization levels that the guests want.The tools are likely to increase bookings directly  and reduce dominance.Since the pandemic the hotel  has realized Innovation in technology will necessarily have a very clear return on investment whereby the effect is measured by the flow of customers through online bookings.There are also protocols for the guess staying in hotels which are preventive measures to the spread of the virus.Adaptive measures that were recommended that Oasia is putting in place is using disinfectants  when entering the hotel and even before one takes elevators.Another marketing strategy that will be helpful is that through technology, there are personalized offers on the foods and beverages .They are prepared prior to their arrival.It means the customers pre-book hence no wasting time when they arrive.

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