Assignment Help-Groupthink Therapy

Groupthink can happen in any organization, big or small, business or non-profit, and private or public. The key is to realize when it is happening in a group setting and then make the right changes that best fit the organization’s goals and objectives.

In the video below, we will see an example of teaching groupthink to students and the importance of enabling others to think for themselves.

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Once you have watched the video and read the case study, use the following guidelines to write your paper:

This assignment is to be at least 3 pages long (and not more than 5)


  • Introduce the topic and summarize the paper.

The main body of the paper

  • What are the general concepts of groupthink?
  • How can groupthink impact group decision making?
  • What are some ways to eliminate groupthink in a group environment?
  • Provide a personal example of groupthink in an organization that you have been part of.


  • Provide a summary of the paper.
  • Provide an overview of what the reader should take away from the paper (purpose). ‘

Group therapy: groupthink can result in spectacularly bad decisions, but the malady can be prevented

CFO, The Magazine for Senior Financial Executives

A plane crashes in the desert and six survivors are left to choose what items to salvage. Should they take a gun? Salt tablets? Heavy overcoats? How about a cosmetics mirror? With 15 possibilities and limited time to make their choices, the group must quickly prioritize.

You might think that a high degree of initial consensus about what to take would indicate the survivors chose the “correct” items, the ones experts deemed would best help them stay alive. After all, five out of six people aren’t likely to be wrong, right? As it turns out, an experiment that presented the above scenario to business-school students revealed that groups with more initial dissent were more likely to pick the right items, ultimately choosing wisely almost twice as often as the other groups. In teams where there was little disagreement, says Richard Larrick, a professor at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business who ran the experiment with Ph.D. candidate Al Mannes, “no one asked, ‘Where might we be wrong?'”

This experiment is part of a growing body of research on groupthink. First analyzed by Yale psychologist Irving Janis in 1972, groupthink is hardly a new problem. Yet it continues to sway all sorts of important decisions. Groupthink has been blamed for any number of recent fiascoes, from the Columbia space-shuttle disaster to the implosion of Enron to the prolonged war in Iraq. Corporate boards and committees are said to be particularly vulnerable to the phenomenon. In a 2003 working paper, law professors Stephen J. Choi and Adam C. Pritchard posited that the Securities and Exchange Commission may itself be prone to groupthink, given its strong organizational culture and the presumed self-selection of like-minded regulators.

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