Assignment Help│Use Case Template

Use Case Template


  • This following table should be copied and completed for each individual use case in your course project. Paste them within this document and name the document “Use Case Narrative and Diagram.”
  • Delete all of these directions before submission.

Use Case Narrative

Use Case ID {Assign a unique ID for each use case specific to the project. Example: CAPRATEK.1.1.1}
Use Case Name {Assign a unique name to each use case, normally with an action verb and a noun. Example: register user.}
Priority {Indicate whether it is high, medium, or low priority.}
Primary User/Actor {Describe the individual that uses the system to accomplish these tasks. For example, this could be a customer.}
Other Participating Actors {Describe the other actors that may be involved or may complete this set of activities. For example, a helpdesk representative may register a customer if they are unable to do so themselves. The helpdesk representatives, however, are not the primary users.}
Interested stakeholder(s) {Describe the stakeholders for which this set of activities would be important. Defining this will help define the cause.}
Frequency of Use {How often does this series of activities occur? For example, for a user registration, this would only be done once for each customer.}
Trigger {Who (whether it is the system or user) triggers this use case? Example: An end user registers for an account.}
Precondition {What is true of the system state before this flow of actions begins? For example, this could be that the application is working correctly and that the user has not previously registered.}
Basic Flow {This should describe in numbered list form the optimal or normal flow of events assuming that everything is working as expected. The basic flow of events should describe the events that walk through a successful scenario. The basic flow should not include “and/if” scenarios.}

Explain the first step.

Explain the second step.



Explain the last step for this use case.

Alternative Flow {Write a phrase saying what the user does; identify prior basic step # where alternative flow begins and subsequent basic step # where basic flow continues (if it does) after performing alternate flow. Example: The user overrides the thermostat setting (Basic Flow, Step 4).}
Postcondition {What is true of the system when the flow of activities finishes. Example: Once the users register themselves, they would now be able to log in.}
Exception Flow {Write a phrase saying what data or system error condition may occur. Identify the prior basic or alternative step # where basic or alternative flow begins and the subsequent basic or alternative step # where basic or alternative flow continues (if it does) after performing exception flow. Example: The user enters in a user name that already exists within the system when they attempt to register (Basic Flow, Step 4).}
Other {Identify any special nonfunctional requirements (such as legal, performance, business rules, implementation constraints, and specifications) that need to be considered during design or implementation. You can also list any assumptions or open issues that need to be made. These requirements should only be documented here if they are specific to this use case. If the requirements span across multiple use cases, you will want to document them in the appropriate section of the systems requirements specification.}

Use Case Diagram

{Paste the UML case diagram for this use case here. Note: A diagram that you use may be appropriate for multiple use cases.}



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