Nursing Homework Help│NUR 370 Practicum Step 3 Asset Based Assessment

Practicum Step 3:  In this assignment, you will:

  1. Complete an asset-based assessment using this template: NUR 370 attached
  2. Based on your research, identify an organization that provides health promotion or health care services to your at-risk population, or that facilitates access to those services.
  3. Arrange to interview someone at that organization in person or by phone.
  4. Develop 6-8 interview questions related to the organization’s services and programs, including plans for the future.
  5. Conduct the interview.
  6. Save and submit the assignment form and audio (or transcript) of your interview to the Week 8 Drop Box.
  1. Download NUR 370 Practicum Step 3 Asset Based Assessment Worksheet(1).docx
  2. Based on your research, identify an organization that provides health promotion or health care services to your at-risk population, or that facilitates access to those services.
  3. Arrange to interview someone at that organization in person or by phone.
  4. Develop 6-8 interview questions related to the org

Week 7: Asset Based Assessment

For each of the areas that you explored in week3, identify the community strengths and resources that currently exist.

Part 1:  Complete the following chart.  Be as specific to your community as possible. Common sources of data include: Chamber of Commerce, community libraries, social service agencies, newspapers, agency personnel.  In addition to these sources, you will interview someone who is actively engaged with the at-risk population you are investigating.


Needs Assessment Community Strengths and Existing Resources
Environment/Living arrangements  
Access to transportation  
Financial considerations  
Cultural/language barriers  
Public perception of the group  
Common health risks  
Access to health and social services  

Part 2: Provide information on the organization and person interviewed

Organization’s name:

URL of the organization’s website

Person interviewed

Interviewee’s title and role in the organization

Email address of the person interviewed


Provide a one paragraph summary of the key take-aways from the interview.


Submit a digital audio or transcribed version of the interview to Blackboard.

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