RNBS 4601 RN-BSN_Community and Population Focused Nursing

RNBS 4601 RN-BSN Community and Population Focused Nursing

Disaster Preparedness and Teaching Clinical

This clinical activity helps meet the clinical objective to utilize the teaching/learning process to provide appropriate educational support to patients, care providers, and the public and to help you understand the importance of being individually disaster prepared. This activity consists of viewing disaster related material and starting an individual disaster plan/kit. You will also write a journal over this experience.


  1. Formulate healthcare plans addressing the desired population outcomes and appropriate nursing interventions.
  2. Evaluate the effectiveness of nursing interventions toward meeting the desired population outcomes.
  3. Articulate an ethical framework for making population health decisions.
  4. Utilize the teaching/learning process to provide appropriate educational support to patients, care providers and the public.


  • Read the text chapters on Health Education and Disaster Management.

Lancaster, J.  (2018). Using Health Education and Groups in the Community. In Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (Eds.), Foundations for Population Health in Community/Public Health Nursing 5th ed. (pp. 182-202).  St. Louis:  Mosby.

Stanley, S.A.R., Farra, S.L., & Hassmiller, S.B.  (2018).  Disaster Management.  In Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (Eds.), Foundations for Population Health in Community/Public Health Nursing 5th ed. (pp. 236-254).  St. Louis:  Mosby.

These are free courses provided by FEMA:  Emergency Management Institute as part of their Independent Study (IS) program for people who have emergency management responsibilities and the general public.  Each course will take between 1-3.5 hours to complete.  Prior to taking the courses, you will need to obtain a FEMA SID number at https://cdp.dhs.gov/femasid.  There will be an online exam at the end of each course and you will receive a certificate of completion.  You will need to submit your certificates via the assignment link by the due date specified in the course calendar. Should you have any issues with the IS courses, the customer support center can be reached through email at Independent.Study@fema.dhs.gov or telephone at 301-447-1200.  The hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8:00 am-6:00 pm EST.

  • Visit the following website https://texasready.gov/.There are videos to view and lots of other information that include checklists. You need to look at what is applicable to your circumstances. You will need to view the third tab that says, “3 Build a Kit”. Open it. Review the disaster supply checklist.  This link will take you to a checklist to help you prepare a grab and go kit. You are not limited to using this site only. You may use any resource that helps you get prepared. The point of this is to help you start the process of getting your family prepared for disaster. I want this to benefit YOU so I do not have guidelines for what your plan/kit should include. Take a picture of the kit you have created and post it with your journal. You do not need to show any personal information. You are earning time getting prepared – spend it wisely!!


  • View the Just in Time Training Modules by clicking on the following link https://www.uttyler.edu/nursing/msns/. Look at the training Module for each of the roles at the bottom of the page. There are five roles for you to review (Primary Care Provider, Nursing, Nursing Student, Non-Medical Volunteer, Non-Medical Supervisor). This will not take long. This online training is being used across the United States to help people get trained for medical needs sheltering. I hope you enjoy it! You will notice a certificate at the end of each module.  This will need to be submitted via the assignment link with the other certificates listed above.  There are a total of 5 modules to complete.  You can save each certificate as a document and submit all 5 at one time. *please note-your name will not automatically appear on the certificate. It is okay to submit a blank certificate for this part of the assignment.
  • Find a community member or family member and a healthcare professional from another discipline (cannot be APRN) and educate them (you will educate 2 individuals) on the importance of disaster preparedness. You should review the teaching/learning process and educational issues and barriers to learning in Chapter 11 of your text prior to providing this education. You will discuss the experience of teaching in the journal required in step 7 so this activity will need to be completed prior to completion of the journal.
  • Complete a journal on the activity by answering the following in a word document. You will attach this via the assignment link with the other items specified in this document.
  1. Provide a brief summary of what you learned after completing steps 2-5 of Disaster Preparedness and Teaching assignment.
  2. Reflecting on the information provided in the IS-368 course (Including People with Disabilities and Others with Access and Functional Needs in Disaster Operations), what types of interventions should be considered for these special populations?
  3. Discuss the health teaching/education you provided to a community member or family member. In your answer, include what educational issues and barriers you considered prior to delivering the education?
  4. Discuss the health teaching/education you provided to the healthcare professional from another discipline. In your answer, include what educational issues and barriers you considered prior to delivering the education?
  5. Explicitly identify and describe at least 2 steps (see Fig. 12-1; p. 217 for review) of the “nursing process with the community as client” that you observed, participated in, or saw as a missed opportunity.
  6. Based on the reading and this experience, what are some ethical considerations that should be included when preparing for a disaster?
  7. Write two reflective paragraphs about this experience. What did you learn? What could be improved? How will this experience impact your clinical practice? This should demonstrate depth of thought.
  8. Insert a picture of the disaster kit that you have created using the information gained in this clinical activity. If you are unable to include the picture in the document, you can upload the picture to the assignment link for this project.

Grading Criteria Disaster Preparedness and Teaching Clinical

Criteria Exemplary






Earned Score
FEMA Courses (15%)

Certificates for IS-700.B, IS-100.C, IS-909, IS-368, and IS-42 submitted

All 5 FEMA certificates completed and submitted Most FEMA certificates completed and submitted Student completed less than half of FEMA certificates.  
Just in Time Training (5%)

5 Medical Special needs certificates submitted (Primary Care Provider, Nursing, Nursing Student, Non-Medical Volunteer, Non-Medical Supervisor)

All 5 Medical Special Needs certificates completed and submitted Most 5 Medical Special Needs certificates completed and submitted Student completed less than half of Medical Special Needs certificates.  
Build a Kit (20%)

Photo included demonstrates time spent getting prepared

Submitted photo of own disaster kit that demonstrates time spent getting prepared. Photo of disaster kit demonstrates minimal preparedness No photo of disaster kit submitted.  
Teaching (30 %)

Educated 2 individuals. Discuss health teaching/education provided to a community member or family member and healthcare professional from another discipline in journal.  Educational issues and barriers addressed in journal.

Educated 2 individuals.  Discussed health teaching/education provided to a community member or family member AND healthcare professional from another discipline in journal. Educational issues and barriers addressed in journal. Educated 2 individuals.  Discussed health teaching/education OR education issues and barriers in journal. Did not educate 2 individuals OR did not address teaching/education and/or education issues and barriers in journal.  
Journal (30%)

Summary of what was learned. Reflect on IS-368 and discuss interventions to consider for special populations. Explicitly identified and described at least 2 steps of the “Nursing Process with Community as Client”. Identified ethical considerations that should be included when preparing for a disaster. Write two reflective paragraphs about this experience.

All journal questions answered Most journal questions answered Journal not completed or less than 75% of the journal questions answered.  


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