Gordon Freemason, 53 years old-2

Gordon Freemason, 53 years old mid aged person, fell into a gutter from a ladder while working at home. The person has got his L4 and an L5 vertebra fractured and has sustained an occipital fracture in his skull. Apart from the fracture in the skull, the patient is suffering through epidural hematoma. In order to drain the bleeding occurred in the skull, he went for a surgery and the condition of occipital fracture was elevated surgically. He was kept under observation for 12 hours in the Intensive Care Unit after his surgery.

The patient is now strictly suggested for bed rest and is provided with log rolls for efficient management if the pressure areas. The Coma Scale of Gordon shows the reading of 14/15 and he is under very precise observation. The patient is suffering from great pain because of the fracture to his lumbar area. Because of this, he is injected with the dose of morphine by following the method of patient-controlled analgesia. Apart from this, the patient is provided the periodical dose of paracetamol every 6 hours. The patient has also developed a condition of fluid flowing through is the intravenous system. He is provided with preventive inhalers since he is having asthma attacks. The patient had an infection in his respiratory system way before the accident had happened and was taking antibiotics on a regular basis as medication for this condition. The body mass index of the patient is 32 which indicate that the patient’s body is obese. The patient has a further condition of depression and he is not taking medication for this condition. The patient has just tried to make the depression under control by attending counseling classes. According to the family record, the patient has shown the signs of suicidal mentality and negative thoughts in dejected conditions. The family of the patient consists of his wife and 3 children. He is under the observation of orthopedic and neurosurgical team.

  1. Explain how the medical condition of the patient prior to the fall will be affected by the current medical condition and hospital care?
  2. Evaluate what may be the probable risks that Gordon may face after the surgery?
  3. There are no lift policies provided by the health care companies if the workplace health, security, and physical treatment are considered. Investigate what may be the ways which can be utilized by the medical team to provide back care and bed change to the patient?
  4. It is the policies and the legislation of the administration which controls and governs the medical team. In this case, the supply of morphine and saline for the student is shrinking. The patient should be provided with a new supply of morphine and saline. Give instructions on what schedule should be adopted by the team to provide a divisive drug like morphine while keeping in mind the seven rights of drug administration?
  5. In this case, there is a strong possibility that the patient needs a frame up until he regains his mobility or his motor function become normal. What should be the plans adopted in the discharge of Gordon if he is opting to go home?
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