Types of Friends


Friendship is an integral part of human socialization. Leibowitz defines friendship as a relationship where two individuals uphold each other’s values through communication (1). Human beings derive happiness and a sense of belonging through friendship. Establishing companionship begins early in a person’s life. When a child is born, they grow to interact with those around them. At preschool, they identify with those around them, determine who their acquaintance becomes, and at what level (Leibowitz 2). The process continues throughout human development. Several types of friendship show the level at which people relate and communicate with each other. Various types of friendship include fierce, first, fair-weather, and fun friends; however, a fierce friend is better than any other type of friend.       

A fierce friend is always ready to stand by you and defend his colleague at any time. The friend may not be available physically all the time, but one is sure of their support when they are available. This type of friend possesses a solid moral compass and is always ready to correct their associate without fear (Leibowitz 11). One of their integral characters is that they will also need a person to stand for themselves and confront challenges they are going through in personal capacities. They are also candid in expressing their opinions about one’s conduct or actions. Fierce friends are those who understand what ails you. According to Leibowitz, when a friend appears out of nowhere with some hard facts, it is too easy to go aggressive (49). If an individual is wise and genuinely listen, individuals hear the overall sound of commitment. This type of friend will also need an individual to show the same attitude and energy when the need arises. A true friend prioritizes the friendship. People go through durations in their lives when individuals are incredibly busy. Some of persons marry, have children, or have very preoccupied jobs that keep the going all the time. In a nutshell, a fierce friend will help you identify your issues and fix them, defend you in times of need, and need you to appreciate them in their effort.

There can be no doubt that one of the utmost gifts in the universe is the first friendship. A first friend is a person who an individual has known and interacted with for a long time. Their entry into an individual’s life marks the beginning of a friendship discovery journey. First, friendships are beneficial because they provide a sense of belonging and safety while also stress reduction. Early friendships, according to psychologists, contribute to a person’s quality of life and capacity to adapt to changing environments. The kind of a friend forms part of a person’s life as they have an account of what an individual has gone through in their lives. The friend can be a neighbor or a family friend. Friendships during early formative years are a vital part of an individual’s emotional growth and promote good mental health. In most cases, this kind of friend who a person grows with and witnesses a lot of life challenges and successes together. Further, this kind of friend count as a pillar as they support a person in low moments in their lives. In brief, there is a deep connection with the first friend that keeps attached to someone’s memory and emotions.

A fair-weather friend is a person who only avails themselves when good things come up. They are only inclined towards hearing good things only. The friend cannot be reliable for emotional support but will need you to support them emotionally. The friendship is described as surface level.  According to Leibowitz, it is essential to be aware of fair-weather friends as they appear when the sky is crystal clear and disappear when the same sky is overcast with dark clouds (47). It is essential to identify this relationship to avoid sacrificing more time and other resources to result in more disappointments. This relationship is noted when a person fails to recognize how you feel and concentrates more on happiness. It’s as if an individual unexpectedly relegated from friend to acquaintance, and they no longer feel any concern or obligation for a person’s well-being. A person’s limited availability will almost definitely leave one feeling neglected and inconvenient. In a nutshell, fair-weather friendship should be even and left to be at that level if there is nothing more a person is gaining.

A fun friend is the one who looks for one when they need to attend entertaining events. They quickly invite a person to attend the events. These individuals always look for something fun and are always on the move in that direction. When they need your company, it is all about entertainment. One cannot confide in this type of friend as they are more concerned about entertainment and may not take anything less seriously. According to Utz, it is essential to be aware of the surrounding of the entertainment and be self-conscious as these friends can sporadically be toxic (315). Fun friendship brings more joy into peoples’ lives than almost anything else. Friendships have a massive impact on mental health and happiness. Good friends reduce anxiety, bring joy and happiness, and prevent an individual from feeling lonely and isolated. Having good friends can also have a substantial impact on a person’s physical well-being. Having funny mates not only makes you feel better, but also makes you smarter and more humble. Certainly, an individual’s life’s missteps and mishaps are substantial, but if one has funny mates, they will assist an individual that the other aspects of life are still ridiculous. Funny mates make it easier to believe in the future.


Humans are social beings, and friendship creates relationships that enable people to communicate at various levels. Friendship begins early in an individual’s life. When a child is born, they grow to interact with those around them. At preschool, they identify with those around them and determine who becomes their acquaintance and at what level. A fierce will always stand by your side in all circumstances and will not hesitate to correct an individual as a strong moral compass guides them. A fierce friend possesses a solid moral compass, and they are always ready to correct their associate without fear. A first friend is a person who an individual has known and interacted with for a long time. A fun friend is the one who looks for one when they need to attend entertaining events. Their entry into an individual’s life marks the beginning of a friendship discovery journey. A fierce friend is better than any friend as they will always be there to defend you, support you emotionally, and correct you without fear. Despite the fierce, first, fair-weather, and fun friends having unique characteristics, a fierce friend stands out as the best friend due to the unshaken support and solid moral compass.

Works Cited

Leibowitz, Uri D. “What is Friendship?.” Disputatio: International Journal of Philosophy 10.49 (2018). https://doi.org/10.2478/disp-2018-0008

Utz, Sonja. “Show me your friends and I will tell you what type of person you are: How one’s profile, number of friends, and type of friends influence impression formation on social network sites.” Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 15.2 (2010): 314-335. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1083-6101.2010.01522.




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