Case Study: Omar Jackson
LOCATION: Outpatient, Hospital
PATIENT: Omar Jackson
SURGEON: Wesley Marrion, M.D.
RADIOLOGY: Monteal Barron, M.D.
PROCEDURE: Transesophageal echocardiogram
INDICATION: to evaluate the patient for the presence of ate real thrombi prior to his cardioversion
DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: informed consent was obtained. The patient was pre medicated with intravenous Versed and fentanyl. The throat was anesthetized with hurricane spray. After adequate sedation and local anesthesia were obtained, the transesophageal echocardiogram was performed in the usual manner.
FINDINGS: cardiac chamber: the left atrium was dilated. The left atrial appendage was dilated. There was no evidence of atrial thrombi. The left ventricle was normal sized. There was moderate diffuse hypokinesis. The overall left ventricular systolic function was moderately reduced with an ejection fraction of about 30%. Markedly better than her echocardiogram from a couple of days ago. The right atrium and right ventricle were markedly dilated. The aortic root was normal sized.
VALVES: the mitral valve was mildly thickened but open normally. There was mild aortic sclerosis without stenosis. The tricuspid valve was grossly normal. The pulmonic valve was also normal.
DOPPLER AND COLOR DOPPLER INTERROGATION: revealed the presence of moderate mitral insufficiency and moderate tricuspid insufficiency.
- no evidence of atrial thrombi
- dilated left atrium
- dilated right atrium and right ventricle
- moderate mitral and moderate tricuspid insufficiency