Problem-Solution: climate change

Basic Requirements: • 3-4 pages in length • MLA style format overall • Free of spelling and grammatical errors • 1st and 2nd person POV are NOT allowed • No contractions (didn’t, can’t, etc.) • Use headings for each section of your essay (see sample essay) Structure: IV. Your Proposed Solution (1-2 paragraphs) • Provide explanation of what the solution will look like • Who, what, when, where, how? V. Objections (2-4 paragraphs) • Who might object to your solution? On what grounds? • Refute each objection fairly, using support and strong reasons VI. Benefits of Your Solution (1-3 paragraphs) a. Specifically explain how your solution will help the problem VII. Conclusion (1-2 paragraphs) a. Reiterates main points b. Leaves the reader with something to consider – the final idea(s) Sources Requirements: • You must include three quotations into the body of your essay. Each quotation must be from a different, credible source. • Two of these quotations must be directly quoted. • One of these quotations must a paraphrased. • Two of these sources must to be from the PGCC databases. • You must include an MLA works cited page (without annotations). Failure to do so will result in an automatic zero. Other notes: • Do not submit part I with part II • In terms of grading, part II will be graded as a separate entity form part I, though a portion of your grade will come part II’s general cohesion with part I. • If you did not submit part I of this essay, please discuss this with the professor. • If you are interested in revising Part I, please consult the revision details on the syllabus and course calendar.

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