The network restrictions surrounding the web authentication service is one layer of defense.

The network restrictions surrounding the web authentication service is one layer of defense. As was noted, this component is too valuable to trust to a single defense. Furthermore, authentication requests are tendered by the least-trusted component in the architecture. That component, HTTP termination, resides on the least-trusted network. What additional steps can be taken?

Answer the questions with an APA-formatted paper (Title page, body and references only).  Your response should have a minimum of 500 words.  Count the words only in the body of your response, not the references.  A table of contents and abstract are not required.

A minimum of two references are required. One reference for the book is acceptable but multiple references are allowed.  There should be multiple citations within the body of the paper.  Note that an in-text citation includes author’s name, year of publication and the page number where the paraphrased material is located.

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