Discuss two important facts about each strategy that you researched. Identify two resources to find out more about the strategy (website, books, publications). Properly cite the source(s) referenced using APA citation format in your posting
The papers include 10 EBP strategies for intervention to client or school children with Autism. There is attachments that displays different strategies like ” time delay, Picture exchange, prompts,Modeling, DTT discrete trial training, Functional communication training, PVT pivotal response training, cognitive behavior intervention, parent implemented intervention . Maybe you could pick other strategies upon available peer preview articles and resources. Each strategy introduced, identified, discuss 2 important fact about the strategy , described how it is used in intervention,and the benefit of it according to the resources. Each strategy should have 2 minimal resources (peer preview) and citation in ApA 7. See the examples in one attachment, the rubric and format. use simple and clear language. The papers should follow this format: Section I: A title page and a table of contents page (i.e., Autism and Social Communication Portfolio, your name, and date). Section II: Name of the strategies and the descriptions. Each strategy should include the following: Name the strategy Describe the strategy Discuss the appropriate population for the strategy Discuss how each strategy is used Discuss two important facts about each strategy that you researched. Identify two resources to find out more about the strategy (website, books, publications). Properly cite the source(s) referenced using APA citation format in your posting.