Diagnosis: Wernicke’s Korsakoff syndrome

Diagnosis: Wernicke’s Korsakoff syndrome

T-98.2f, BP 210/100, P-112, SPo2 95% RA

Complaint: confusion, ataxia, tremors, N/V, loss of muscle coordination

Medication: thiamine IV, Vitamin B12, D5NS @ 250/hr, Ativan (1mg for CIWA less than 8, 2mg for CIWA greater than 8)

Labs: Magnesium 1.6, CK 18,487, Lactic 3.5, Vitamin B12 150, ALT 75, AST 126

Assessment Data (Include at least three-five subjective and/or objective pieces of data that lead to the nursing diagnosis)Goals & Outcome (Two statements are required for each nursing diagnosis.   Must be Patient and/or family focused; measurable; time-specific; and reasonable.) Nursing Interventions (List at least three nursing or collaborative interventions with rationale for each goal & outcome.)Rationale (Provide reason why intervention is indicated/therapeutic; provide references.)Outcome Evaluation & Replanning(Was goal met?  How would you revise the plan of care according the patient’s response to current plan ?)
OBJECTIVE:  SUBJECTIVE Statement #1  Statement #2  1.  2.   3.  4.      1. 234Outcome #1 Outcome #2 Outcome #3 
  1. List patient mediations, indications, and nursing considerations for this patient
Medication, Dose, RouteIndications for MedicationNursing Consideration for Patient/ Side Effects
  1. List Patient abnormal lab values, normal ranges, and why they are altered.
Abnormal Lab ValueNormal RangeCause of Abnormal Lab Value
  1. List all Patients Nursing Diagnosis in priority Order and explain why.
Nursing DiagnosisExplanation


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