Case Study #3, Chapter 3 Diagnosis 

Case Study #3, Chapter 3 Diagnosis 

1. A 38-year-old woman is admitted to a long-term care facility from home with terminal cancer. The primary tumor is in her left leg, with metastases to the spine and brain. The woman is in significant pain and eating and drinking poorly. She has an implanted morphine pump that delivers 100 mg of morphine daily (in divided doses) and can deliver bolus doses of 5 mg every hour. Other medications are for nausea and constipation. (Expected Learning Outcome 10)

a. Name three potential complications that can be anticipated.

2. A 38-year-old woman with terminal cancer is admitted to a long-term care facility from home. She has three children, 7, 10, and 12 years old, cared for by their maternal grandmother. The grandmother brings the children to visit every day after school. The client has requested that she be ready to visit with them and that the visits not be interrupted for routine care. (Expected Learning Outcomes 12 and 14)

a. What diagnostic statement can the nurse develop to describe the family situation?

3. After 2 weeks in the long-term care facility, the client with terminal cancer has worsening pain and has lost 6 pounds. She eats very little because she says that she has no appetite. The skin over her bony prominences is often red. (Expected Learning Outcome 11)

a. How does the diagnosis change when the problem that was to be prevented has now become an actual problem?

b. Does the development of a problem mean that poor nursing care was provided? Explain your answer.

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