Write a reflection assignment covering major concepts from the course plus a final section on lessons learned.

Belcourt, Monica; Bohlander, George W. & Morris, Shad. (2019) Managing Human Resources (9th ed). Nelson ISBN-10: 978-0-176-79805-5 Write a reflection assignment covering major concepts from the course plus a final section on lessons learned. This assignment is intended to stimulate your thinking about the conceptual and pragmatic aspects of the assigned readings and discussions, and their implications for your own managing human resources. There will be one written reflection assignment covering major concepts from the course plus a final section on lessons learned. For each of the assigned areas (total of 7 sections) below, you are to: take the major concept, explain it, reflect on the concept and then apply that concept to your leadership role and your organization. Section 1: Strategic Role of HR in the Organization Section 2: Job Analysis and Safety Section 3: Staffing Systems Section 4: Performance Management Section 5: Training and Talent Management & Development Section 6: Compensation Section 7: The Legal Environment and Diversity & Inclusion Last section – Lessons Learned: this discusses final discussion on your specific learning’s from the text, discussions, readings, etc. This should be two pages in length. The paper covers 7 sections plus the lessons learned. References: Leverage the content of these three essays and the book as a references. I have also attach HBR papers to be leveraged Belcourt, Monica; Bohlander, George W. & Morris, Shad. (2019) Managing Human Resources (9th ed). Nelson ISBN-10: 978-0-176-79805-5

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