Chum Hum Organization Human Resource Management
The employees of chum hum organization have been resigning and getting out to be employed
by their own competitors. It has been clear that the organization has been unable to make
effective use of the resources in terms of non-human and human resources. This paper has given
solutions to human resource management and analyzed the reasons why culture has influenced
the negative results of innovation as well as how effective management of the organization has
an impact the behaviors of their employees. In relation to this, these solutions can be used to fix
the current issues in the organization through suggestions based on previous theories and
understanding of strategic human resource management.
Recommendations of Chum hum
The theories of organizational motivation, culture, change management, training and
development are related to the issues and problems being faced by Chum hum Australia. At first,
culture model which is known as OCP (Organizational culture profile) helps in making
distinctions through different categories such as outcome orientation innovation, supportiveness,
aggressiveness, attention to detail, respect for people and stability (Boxall and Macky, 2009).
This model has been used in evaluating and measuring the effectiveness of organizational culture
to the performance of an organization. Relatively, the model can be used to evaluate and measure
employees that are most efficient and are responsible for the most productivity of the company.
Through the use of this model, the organization will be able to suit their culture according to the
behaviours and nature of their employees.
According to Mello (2015), the employees should be considered as the human resource in a
business. The HR management in a business has the responsibility of ensuring that the HR is
utilized effectively for the accomplishment of goals in the business. Armstrong and Taylor
(2014), argue that organizational culture shapes and creates managerial competence via norms
and values to enhance the performance of an organization. One of the most effective elements in
the development of a successful organization is understanding the impact of the organizational
culture in its operation (Collis and Rukstad, 2008). Above all, it is essential to identify the right
culture for an organization which is part of the organization and that plays a significant role in
shaping the sustainability of an organization (Nankervis, Compton and Baird, 2011). The human
resource of chum hum should, therefore, aim at ensuring that they utilize their human resource
effectively through the formulation of efficient culture and objectives to maximize the
productivity of the company (Storey, 2007)
The tone that a human resource management in a company sets defines the tone of decision
making and interaction in the organization (Boselie, Brewster and Paauwe, 2009). If the culture
of an organization begins to go sideways, there is a long-term effect that can be devastating. In
relation to the effective management of human resource in the company, the organizational
culture should offer appropriate solutions to through maintaining a positive relationship between
the staff involved in enhancing the success of the organization. It is essential for Chum hum to
ensure that there is effective communication between the manager and workers. Effective
communication must be maintained in the organization to ensure that there is a decent working
relationship between the staff and the managers (Albrecht, Bakker, Gruman, Macey and Saks,
2015). This is important for the organization to ensure that they receive feedback and responses
that are effective contributors to the failure or success of the organization. This means that the
organization should structure effective and timely communication for the workers that should be
maintained to enable the realization of the company’s success. Therefore, the managers will be
sensitive to the ideas and challenges that the employees are facing within the organization. It is
the responsibility of the organization to formulate policies on behalf of their workers. In doing
this it is essential for the company to consider the consent of their employees. The leaders of
various departments in the organization have to interact and communicate with their members
regarding their opinions and consent regarding the various factors of company initiatives and
policies (Bratton and Gold, 2017). In doing this, the human resource managers and senior
managers will be able to deal with the challenges being faced by the employees in the
The theory of development and training is also essential in this perspective because the staff are
not used to the organizational culture and changes in the organization. There are many
procedures and process that the organization can utilize to develop and train their employees.
Through learning the employees are able to acquire more information and create more awareness
about essential things in the company such as culture and ethics (Armstrong 2010). This means
that before training, the Chum hum should ensure that their employees receive adequate
information about the culture, rules, ethics and regulations within the organization. One of the
most effective theories that can be utilized in the company is the cognitive learning. The process
of cognitive learning involves individuals to gather information and learn through internalizing
knowledge and facts regarding a particular topic (Armstrong 2010). Cognition as a term is
related to the internal attributes of an individual such as their mental abstraction. This way the
employees of chum hum will be able to utilize their internal competencies in their workplace.
Hertzberg’s two-factor theory of motivation has also been connected to the issues and problems
at Chum hum in their operations in Australia. This theory has put emphasis on the satisfaction of
workers in an organization (Kramar, 2014). The two factors have described the impacts of
satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the workers in an enterprise. The hygiene factors evaluate the
dynamics of demonstrating the analogy of precautionary maintenance. It will suggest the value
of the employees in exposing the performance of people in the place of work. This theory is
similar to Maslow motivation theory. Motivation is essential to the development of an employee.
The implication of this theory will help Chum hum in detecting the core issues in terms of
formulating policies and employee relation terms. Through the implementation of theoretical
frameworks of Hertzberg, Chum hum will have an efficient working environment for their
There are a number of responsibilities that the human resource management department in Chum
hum has to perform in order to retain their employees within the organization. Their plans for
employee’s relations and benefits are not motivating employees within the organization.
Relatively, their training models are also not encouraging employees to stay in the organization.
Therefore, there is a need for the organization to formulate their training modules according to
the responses and feedbacks offered by the employees. The Human resource managers have to
focus on the plans of retaining employees and attracting new employees in the company. They
have to modify their employee benefit plans to keep their employees motivated in their
workplace. This means both non-monetary and monetary rewards as well as efficient
motivational initiatives that should be introduced into various departments of the organization
(Bailey, Mankin, Kelliher and Garavan, 2018). The leaders of each department have the
responsibility of understanding the mindsets of their team members and give tasks accordingly.
Employee internal awards and recognition should be introduced to keep the workers motivated in
their fields.
Sociological perspectives are essential in the workplace for the managers and the employees. The
sociological perspectives indicate that the managers can be able to bring their employees
together in the workplace as well as show them the policies and structure of the workplace
(Stahl, Björkman and Morris, 2012). This is when Chum hum managers are able to identify and
solve problems existing if they know what is causing the conflict. At times getting the employees
to interact can be useful in teaching others on how they can work together. For effective
management of staff, there are three sociological perspectives that are helpful in the organization
orientation of the workplace. These include conflict, structural functionalist and interactionism
(Heizmann and Liu, 2017). These three indicate how Chum hum managers can help in clarifying
how employees build sense and meaning of their social surroundings. These can help increase
the achievements of employees in the organization.
As an outcome of these solutions, the HR management activities in the practice of rewarding,
attracting, developing and retaining employees in Chum hum will facilitate effective change
management. The study has been a case study analysis of Chum hum Australia revealing how
their challenges and problems can be fixed. The solutions have been offered through theoretical
frameworks of various facets of human resource which have been explained with regard to the
challenges being faced by Chum Hum. The fact that organization initiatives are devastating,
there has been a need to offer recommendations and solutions for strategic HR management to
solve the major issue of retaining employees in the organization. For future long-term
performance, Chum hum has to maintain a positive organizational culture which is efficient for
the employees’ retention.