Capstone Project/Signature Assignment
Capstone Project/Signature Assignment – City of San Diego Urban Quarter Expansion The Purpose The Urban Planning course prepares the students to impact the planning process and to understand what to expect in the planning process. The capstone project is to provide the student a real world experience where they can apply the skills and methods learned in the course. John Portman and Associates (JPA) have constructed urban enclaves all over the world. JPA projects include the city of San Diego. The City of San Diego is currently undergoing an Urban Quarter Expansion. Watch the video below on John Portman: The Capstone Project Design In the Capstone Project for this course students will propose a model for the next phase, completion or expansion of the San Diego Urban Quarter. JPA has provided suitable narratives for all of their projects in the city of San Diego. Students are encouraged to review the narratives to guide their development. The concept should be innovative, ecologically dynamic, address safety and health issues, transportation and potential growth demands etc. The students audience for this proposal are the city planners, local government officials and the public. The setting for the presentation of this document is a forum similar to a legislative board meeting. Click on the PDF attached to access how the paper should be structured. This project should be completed in Times New Roman, 12 point font, in APA format (6th edition) and be between 7 – 10 pages in length. The project requires a header, page numbers, a title page, an abstract and reference sheet. The title page, abstract and reference sheets are not included in the total pages in length. The project must include at least four references. The text Urban Pattern may be included as a reference along with the JPA website. Wikipedia, EHow or other type of unverified sources are not appropriate.