Barack Obama on Woke Call-Out Culture

Woke Call-Out Culture

Since people are residing in a surrounding full of criticism, particularly on social media, most individuals that are disparaged because of call-out culture frequently feel so bad regarding the grievance. Nonetheless, President Barack Obama in his response to this call-out culture contended that notwithstanding the call-out culture may be utilized in a manner that everybody feels permitted to disapprove each other’s view devoid of any fear of the outcome (Guardian). As a result, regardless of the former president’s initiative, the paper seeks to mention some of the vital facets of call-out culture.

According to Adrienne, the call-out culture aims at assessing why people possess opinions and verdict on call-out culture and how somebody may opt to pronounce call out culture to either be accurate or incorrect (10). Nonetheless, call-out is regarded as the most predominant aspect amongst the liberals and the reformists. Again, the call-out philosophy lets the advocates to make open the biased behaviour to the American citizens. The call-out culture frequently incorporates the aspect of online talks amongst individuals as the universe has progressed to a digital era whereby the internet is the order of the day. With the technological advancements, there is a lot of reproach in social media. On the other hand, as President Obama evidently indicated, when an individual openly point outs another person’s fault, particularly on social media, the act is generally considered to be irksome to the individual partaking in the deed. Moreover, it ought to generate an atmosphere whereby the call-out culture can be integrated in a manner that every individual feels allowed to disparage another individual’s view devoid of fear of outcome. The action may not only affect persons who are aggressively engaged in social media, but it bears an impact to those that are very inactive on social media. In actual fact, the deed overwhelms individuals when they comprehend something is condemned in their assertions in public, and to the most awful side is that persons have confronted the declarations, not of their societal eminence. A system of call-out culture has been functioning for eras in social media as a tool for detractors and their associates to reveal inequity and the need for revolution in an approach others articulate their opinions in public. As a result, the exercise of sprightly talking about disparity characteristically strengthens immeasurable social justice activities. However, the modern-day indication of a “call-out” usually signifies interpersonal conflicts happening regarding individuals on social media.

Considering the vital element of a call-out, Barack Obama in his address, he has outlined the vibrant side of the call-out based on a story whereby detractors are seen to make assertions declaring that Johnson disparaged in a discussion regarding “Generation Snowflake”.  In this instance, supposing more people amongst the individuals frequently denoted to as “snowflakes,” had a inescapable strategy for retorting back the integration of the term “snowflake” then the vital section of the call-out may not perceived in public. Just as numerous undertakings to sustain social justice, calling out has malevolent beginnings and correct practices, nonetheless, it has frequently, amongst most persons, led to bullying, which is amongst its vital sides. According to Adrienne, intimidation is certainly not okay, albeit if it is in reply to maltreatment (11). Moreover, numerous call-out culture advocates explicitly disapprove of “taking part in a dialogue” with persons, confirming that this may not work appropriately with the call-out culture. Consequently, contending that they are rather right in their insolences but erroneous in their deeds. People, as a result, have a tendency of doubling down on their standpoints and intuitive or not, when challenged with self-contradictory information.

Based on Barrack Obama’s address, one of the vital aspects of the call-out culture is that a purpose call-out may be separated as they often challenge the discussion’s status quo. A purpose callout is likely to arouse nervousness and crime. Another challenge is that several people typically believe that the call-outs are only a guard for insignificant theatre, which when not managed with significant care; this leads to rousing harmful discussion greater than encouraging social justice amongst the persons in the society. For instance, Coleen Rooney, who cast a real-life soap opera by reproving fellow British football companion, Rebekah Vardy. Coleen was a deep drama influencer that increased amongst YouTubers Tati Westbrook and James Charles, making the call-out culture a troublesome element in a certain manner. Based on Adrienne’s article, Richards is portrayed to trust in a sympathetic line towards conflict solution (Adrienne 11). Moreover, she is careful of placing the burden of intermediation and propriety on the undermined party. Instead, she suggests that anger can be better focussed at the source of the universal forces that provide individuals the perquisite to act in a manner that may be unsympathetic for other individuals.  As a result, this signifies the existence of circumstances when it may be advisable not to antagonize individuals.

Another argument of the criticism in the call-out culture is that persons engaged in the discussion think as individuals that are currently facing a challenge. As a result, supposing they have several faults pointed out in the conversation, it may be an illustration from an empty cup. Generally, when this incident transpires, then a thorough collapse is unavoidable, where the person’s sense is wiped out, as they double down on their locus and no requisite for them to acquire knowledge. While there may not be a entirely precise mode of calling out an individual, Richards believes that knowledge to examine our eagerness when offering criticism, the settings and likely outcomes of the condition contributes to effective functioning of the call out culture.


It is important to note that that there is a variance between call-out and intimidation. The aspect of intimidation basically concentrates on disciplining an individual for a particular act. On the other hand, call out emphasizes on the establishment of a fresh line of behaviour and may not majorly lay emphasis on dispensing punishment on an individual for acts they have executed. A regularly stated problem with call-outs is that it is enormously easy to get engaged in needless castigation of the crimes, comprising of some minor desecrations that require no discipline (Wayne 15). The lop-sided castigation basically results in converting suspected lawbreakers of offensive deeds into casualties themselves. Because of such complications in call out, it is not advisable to integrate a “reductionist approach” when calling out an individual. In most cases, when persons justify their liabilities, they have a tendency of presenting themselves a great charter. This facet misinforms them, and therefore, wrong intentions are indoctrinated. Amongst the detractors of call out, the stoutest criticism of call-out culture originate from the persons that feel that individuals that believe it is a justification for rough vigilante justice driven by persons working out their psychological injuries.


The call-out culture aims at assessing why people possess opinions and verdict on call-out culture and how somebody may opt to pronounce call out culture to either be accurate or incorrect. It can be evidently identified that numerous individuals have misrepresented the call-out culture, particularly on social media. It is certainly a thought-provoking task trusting that anyone basically considers that piling on other individual’s sentiments is the suitable mode of endorsing social justice within the society. However, it is an effective tool in stimulating education properly integrated and has critical side if misused.

Works Cited

Adrienne, Matei. “Call-Out Culture: How to Get It Right (and Wrong)” The Guardian, Nov2019. pp. 10-14. Retrieved:

News, Guardian. “Barack Obama Takes on ‘Woke’ Call-out Culture: ‘That’s Not Activism’.” YouTube, YouTube, 30 Oct. 2019,

Wayne, Rachel. “The Problem with Call-out Culture.” Medium, Medium, 13 Jan. 2019, retrieved from:

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