Role of Tests

Role of Tests

Imagine that you are the new principal of a new private elementary school that caters to gifted and talented children. Your task is to write a letter to the parents of the children, explaining the role psychological tests will play in their child’s education this year.

Write a draft of your letter, beginning Dear Parent, and include the following in your letter:

  • Explain why tests of school ability (as well as related abilities are or not) are necessary in a school setting.
  • The role tests will (and will not) play at the school.
  • Explain how any test that is going to be used will be selected (e.g., criteria).
  • Explain how parents will be informed of findings with respect to readiness, achievement, and ability.

Submission Details:

  • Post your response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Respond to at least two posts by the end of the week.
  • Use an APA style reference list with in-text citations in your initial response.
  • Use an APA style reference list with in-text citations in at least one of your two responses to classmates.
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