Your company has a new CHRO, who has been in the position for 6
months. One of the areas he is tasked to improve is retention of top
talent. Employee turnover has been high in recent years and it is
negatively affecting the company’s profitability and competitiveness.
You are the VP of Talent and the CHRO has asked you to help him
prepare a presentation to the Board, outlining a vision for changes to
increase retention. The CHRO previously worked for Google and he
subscribes to their model of a “high-freedom” company. He wants to use
ideas from Bock’s Work Rules, from his book of that name, as the basis
for his presentation. As a reminder, the ten Work Rules are:
1. Give your work meaning.
2. Trust your people.
3. Hire only people who are better than you.
4. Don’t confuse development with managing performance.
5. Focus on the two tails.
6. Be frugal and generous.
7. Pay unfairly.
8. Nudge.
9. Manage the rising expectations.
10. Enjoy! And then go back to No. 1 and start again.
Research the topics in the list above, in relation to your workplace,
or a company that interests you.
Based on your findings, select the four topics where you believe that
change would be most impactful. Develop recommendations for
implementing changes in those four areas. Identify how the changes you
are proposing will attract and retain top talent. Consider how success
will be measured for each topic. Consider the most likely challenges
and resistance to the changes you are proposing, and identify ways to
manage and mitigate those issues.
Prepare a slide deck of 12 to 18 slides, using the following structure:
• Cover slide (1 slide)
• Report findings on your four chosen items (4 to 6 slides)
• Present proposed change plans for those 4 items (4 to 6 slides)
• Describe how you will measure success after implementation (1 slide)
• Identify potential challenges and resistance to change and suggest
ways to manage those issues (1 to 2 slides)
• References (1 to 2 slides)-Reference Slide is not part of the 13 slide count
• Your submission is in the form of a PowerPoint deck of 12 to 18 slides
• Apply slide design best practices: limit the amount of text, include
images or charts, and format slides professionally and consistently
• Include a Cover slide with assignment title, your name, professor’s
name, course title and date
• Include a References slide with your sources(Reference slide does
not count as part of the 13 slides)
UPD: “I have re-attached the full instructions for the assignment.
Please note that Part 2 of the assignment for the Zoom presentation is
not being requested. If you have any further questions, please let me