Should a legal system based upon the Bible include private property rights?

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The question, “Should a legal system based upon the Bible include private property rights?” is an important question to answer. As Christians, we believe that our laws have roots in scripture, and property laws are no different. In this assignment, you can explore what, if anything, the Bible says about private property so that you can form the proper Christian worldview regarding property.


You will write a paper of at least 500 words integrating biblical perspectives as they relate to the legal system. Specifically, the question “Should a legal system based upon the Bible include private property rights?”, should be answered. You will support your writing with at least two references. You are strongly encouraged to derive the sources from the Module 1: Week 1 Read items. Title and author can appear at the top of the page. Bluebook style footnotes should be used for sources. A reference list is not needed. Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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