inflation increase on the price of food in Europe in Post-COVID era

The topic is “the impact of the inflation increase on the price of food in Europe in Post-COVID era.

1-2 defining food groups (i.e. meat, grains, fruits and vegetables, etc.) focusing on 1-3 countries must be employed, it cannot just be “overall increase for all foods in all of Europe,” it has to be specific.

I highly stress the need for ACADEMIC sources, not just articles online from experts in the field. Must be academic sources. At least three, preferably more.

Please include abstract along with paper.

11. Assignment: Thesis and Outline

For this assignment, you will construct a thesis statement and develop a rough outline for your future Research Report assignment. The thesis and outline will be based on the topic identified and approved in the Topic Selection discussion.

  1. Construct a thesis statement for your topic based on the elements of a thesis statement that you learned about in this lesson.
  2. Draft a rough outline for your topic.
    1. Your outline should follow the format of the samples included in this lesson.
    2. Your outline should include introduction, body, and conclusion sections.
    3. The outline body section should include a minimum of three main points, each with at least two supporting points or ideas.
    4. Include a transition at the end of each section.
    5. Your outline does not have to be composed of complete sentences at this point. Rather, use key phrases and words to help guide the direction and content that each paragraph of your paper will contain.

Your outline does not have to be complete at this point but should contain enough information, based on the requirements above, to develop a direction for your report. You will have the opportunity to add to, revise, and edit your outline as you begin to research sources of information to support your topic.


I need a thesis statement created, my topic is “America’s Long Term Care System is Broken.”

I have attached a recent discussion post that touches on the main points I’m going to write the paper on.

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