Assignment Help
Why is Machine Learning critical for cyber security in the healthcare industry
Research Question: Why is Machine Learning critical for cyber security in the healthcare industry, and how does Machine Learning benefit in safeguarding data and compliance in the Healthcare sector?
(4 page methodology section that includes the following) Sample attached
- Introduction
- Research Paradigm (qualitative or quantitative) Notes: Choose Qualitative or Quantitative based on what methodology you plan to use for your actual dissertation. You may not choose to do both qualitative and quantitative (mixed-methods)
- Research- or project- Design
- Sampling Procedures and
- Data Collection Sources
- Statistical Tests Summary (quantitative) OR Data Organization Plan (Qualitative). Notes: If you chose a quantitative research paradigm, you must choose a quantitative statistical test summary option in this section. If you chose a qualitative research paradigm, you must choose the qualitative organization plan option in this section.