Assignment Help| Nestor Gonzalez, a 69-year-old

Nestor Gonzalez, a 69-year-old previously healthy male, was seen in my office with a cough productive of thick purulent sputum of 3 days duration. Fever was present and he reported dyspnea on exertion.

Vital signs—BP 96/60 mm Hg, P 116 beats/min, RR 24 breaths/min, T 103.5°F rectal.

On examination, he appeared acutely ill.

Lung examination revealed scattered ronchi, which were greater on the right than the left.

I determined that the patient needed to be admitted into the hospital right away.

Upon admission: Bronchoscopic aspiration specimen culture, C&S, and gram stain.

Blood tests and sputum culture were ordered and a chest x-ray taken.

RESULTS: Chest x-ray showed increased opacity in the lung field indicating pneumonia, as suspected; culture confirmed E. coli with Shiga toxin.

Dx: Community-acquired pneumonia due to Escherichia coli 0157 with Shiga toxin

Treatment: IV ciprofloxacin 300 mg q 12h, infused over 60 minutes

Dr. Ryan MacDoule

Be sure to list the codes, one code per box, in the correct order, from top to bottom. If there are 2 or more similar codes, repeat the codes to the same number of times by entering one code per box. Capitalization, punctuation, and spacing can impact whether or not your answer is correct. Follow coding best practices.


Determine the most accurate ICD-10-PCS code(s).

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