Rain Fall Over Tormented Cities
Chapter 1
In What Language Does Rain Fall Over Tormented Cities is a recount by Roy on his novel and the feedback he got as s result of the language he used in publishing it despite belonging to the Indian heritage. This experience brings up the question of whether it is a must for an author to use his local language when he publishes his work and whether it limits their capabilities? According to Roy, “Writing or speaking in English is not a tribute to the British Empire, as the British imperial historian had tried to suggest”(15). The English language that he used was one of the convenient ways he felt that he would reach people and not as a tribute to the British. While Roy had successfully published a book that was doing well, a few people did not fully appreciate it. They felt that it was much better if he wrote it in his local language and that English was a way of honouring the British.
The reading touches on an important topic about culture and the language that we use to communicate as a society. One of the things that I want to remember about the reading is the well-explained concepts of language and how it impacts our capability to reach new people. Roy makes it very evident that irrespective of our language, the important thing is conveying our ideas effectively to others. This is because communicating in different languages is an advantage when trying to convey an important message across people of different cultures. Roy retells a story about how he had been invited on a show in London in regard to his book, and it proves how he was able to reach foreign people through his book from the language that he had authored the book using.
2a. In what language does rain fall over tormented cities? It aims to show the diversity of language as a tool for communication. Roy manages to prove that language is merely a tool for communication and that we as human beings can utilize it to reach more people. The use of a different language other than one’s local dialect does not deprive them of their sense of cultural belonging but puts them in a better position to understand foreign cultures. This is because when people of different cultures have a language, they can communicate with, they are able to interact and share new ideas. The co-existence of human beings heavily relies on human communication, which is made possible by language. It makes it possible to communicate and share ideas. The use of a specific language has never been as a way of tribute to its people, but to help facilitate efficient communication and the more languages one understands, the easier it is.
2b. It is clear that from chapter 2, Election season in a dangerous democracy. The government in power is exercising unfair means in the rule of its people. While the Indian government appears to be concerned about the people, the measures that take place end up oppressing the poor and the rich, multiplying their wealth. It is wrong that the police can be able to carry out raids on the homes of activists as a way to shut them down and protect the government’s acts. Roy states that “We have learned to connect the season of elections with the onset of all kinds of violence” (39). While the election period should be a time for happiness, In India that the people will be able to wipe out leaders that did not perform, they are faced with fear because of the extent that the government goes to ensure that it stays in power. The entire practice of ruling by the fist is wrong, and it ends up spreading fear among citizens rather than respect for their leaders. The practice is dangerous and limits democracy among the Indian people.
Works Cited
Roy, Arundhati. Azadi. Hamish Hamilton, 2020.