Free Speech
Is this a limit to free speech?
The situation is a limit to free speech to the LGBTQ situation
What are your thoughts?
The limitations to free speech is due to not wanting the students to express their ideas regarding the subject matter. The measure would limit students from talking about their icons, neighbors, friends, and family who are LGBTQ. The students would not feel proud of their LGBTQ family members unlike the female student who was acknowledging having two mothers EqualityFlorida, 2022). Furthermore, it would instill fear of LGBTQ students, feel out of place, and neglected. The students would feel that they are limited to talk about what is comfortable to them. The ability to talk about racial issues is a worldwide issue that affects every individual, thus it would be relevant to limit discussions to avoid conflicts
What should be done?
The Bill should be adjusted in such a way to ensure that both non-LGBTQ and LGBTQ students feel safe and comfortable. The Bill would, otherwise, be contributing to the unfairness of handling minority groups. The case is the same for Florida’s adoption of laws that protected police and raised protestors’ penalties during the Black Lives Matter demonstrations (Allen, 2021). However, a judge eventually blocked the law after Floyd protests (The Associated Press, 2021). Therefore, the Bill should have been made in such a way that it allows students to discuss LGBTQ and racial issues but be aware and respect students not comfortable with the discussions.
What do you believe is consistent with our core values as social workers?
The ability to respect and appreciate one’s status and thoughts is a key value as a social worker. Such practices eventually create unity and harmony in a community.
What should we do as social workers?
Social workers should be dedicated towards enhancing programs, policies, and laws, that value, support, and affirm LGBTQ and communities, families, and individuals. Social workers should also advocate for racial equality to ensure that people can then work together towards growing and developing their community.
Allen, G. (2021, April 19). Florida Adopts Nation’s Toughest Restrictions On Protests. Retrieved from National Public Radio:
EqualityFlorida. (2022, February, 14). My Heroes. [Video]. You Tube.
The Associated Press. (2021, September 9). A Judge Has Blocked The ‘Anti-Riot’ Law Passed In Florida After George Floyd Protests. Retrieved from National Public Radio :