The above is the Arc De Triomphe Paris; the architect of this artwork is called Jean Chalgrin. This work is currently located at the center of Place Charles de Gaulle Paris in France. The origin of this work in France and the medium is Limestone (Humble, 56). The work dimension is height is 164ft, 148ft width while the depth is 72ft. the vault of the work is 95.8ftheight and the wide 48ft.

The above image represents the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. The architect of this work is called Maya Lin (Dávila, 32). The work is currently located in Constitution Gardens, the National Mall, in Washington DC. The United States is the origin of the work. Dimension; each half of the wall is approximately 246.75ft, while the highest point is 10. if high. Medium is Black Granite Wall. Both two pieces of work share the main theme of honoring war veterans.

Honoring war Veterans

In this paper for my last project, my focus will be based on two pieces that share the same theme of honoring war Veterans. First, I will discuss the Arc De Triomphe Paris, which is a neoclassicism era. This work is currently located at the center of Place Charles de Gaulle Paris in France. Originated from France, and medium is Limestone (Humble, 56). The work dimension is height is 164ft, 148ft width while the depth is 72ft. the vault of the work is 95.8ftheight and the wide 48ft. Jean Chalgrin designed this artwork in 1836. This artwork represents France’s military accomplishment and the fallen heroes during the first empire.

Secondly, I choose Vietnam Veterans Memorial, which is a modernism style. Maya Lin designed this artwork in 1982. The work is currently located in Constitution Gardens, the National Mall, in Washington DC. The United States is the origin of the work (Dávila, 32). Dimension; each half of the wall is approximately 246.75ft, while the highest point is 10. if high. Medium is Black Granite Wall.

These memorials built in remembrance and honor of the military and soldiers share the same theme and importance. However, they were built in two different periods. Still, the vital issue is that they share the same theme of remembering our fallen militaries and soldiers for accomplishments and the loss of lives.

The Arc De Triomphe Paris is a Triumphal arch. It is one of the commemorative monuments best known in the world. It represents the symbol of national identity in France. The building of the work took around 30 years. The construction of the work was ordered by Napoleon I in 1806, after gaining his victory during the battle of Austerlitz in 1805. The main reason for its construction was to celebrate the military achievement of the French armies’ present or past (Humble, 56). There were two surfaces of the Arc de Triomphe; one surface was full of decorations that celebrate the military victory of the revolution and the empire, the other surface was full of the decoration of the names of the thousands of the generals and the battles. The arc has served as an iconic symbol, not only for the country but also for the world. Victory parades usually match passed the arc, which includes those invading power, as well as in 1945 when they were celebrating the Paris liberation during WWII and after the end of the war. The annual military parade and the tour de France is ending near the monument, which makes July 14 the French Bastille day and National day.

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial. This is a memorial dedication to those individuals who sacrificed their lives and even ended up dying in the Vietnam War. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is recognized for both aesthetic and historical values (Dávila, 32). The Memorial is designed is a way of two black walls that forms a V shape; it appears to descend into the earth. The V shaped arms are forming outwards, which directs us to the Lincoln Memorial to the right and Washington Monument to the left. Regarding chronological order, starting with July 8, 1959, the names of the 9 women and 57930 men who lost their lives or are highlighted as missing in the Vietnam War are the ones curved on the wall.

Personally, I have never managed to be in the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, however, here is an encounter who came across the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Unexpectedly, “it is still very clear in my mind, concerning what I saw in Vietnam Veteran Memorial in Washington DC. Seeing this memorial was not part of my initial plan, my intension was to visit Lincoln Memorial and Washington Monument, until then is when I realized that it was the same place I had the intension of visiting. My whole life have been in China. I was no prepared to see the other side of the Vietnam War. My expectation was that it could be as disturbing as the other side of the story I had known. I never thought twice regarding the death, blood and cruelty involved. As I walked towards the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, I saw an architecture very different from my imagination. It appears to be as a huge Chinese character was written on earth using a black ink. People, person and human in Chinese is what this character means. When I was standing before the simple but stunning memorial, I could feel by heart sinking for mourning for the dead. It is all about humanity and life and not war glorification.” Chen Sheng stated. This memorial accounting is remarkable and riveting in that the memorial can move an individual and embrace the emotion of all.

Bothe the Arc de Triomphe and Vietnam Veterans Memorial presented the honoring of the War Veterans or remembrance of war. Showing honor, and respect for the individuals who sacrificed and died during the war. However, the Arc de Triomphe provides the insight into the accomplishment of several military and war throughout various times, while on the other hand, Vietnam Veterans Memorial is built in respect of honoring those individuals who sacrificed and fought for their country during the Vietnam War (O’Neill, 45). By the time Arc de Triomphe construction started, that is the first empire, that period time, the culture was that of power and wealth. The Arc’s detailed design and the massive size renders a prosperous and healthy times of the French. On the other hand, during the time when Vietnam Veterans Memorial was thought about, there were several contradictions. Most people considered it a negative idea and a horrible outcome. However, despite their view, they also believed in honoring those who sacrificed their lives and died in the war.

The main difference between Arc de Triomphe and Vietnam Veterans Memorial is that, Arc de Triomphe only concentrated its praises to those individuals who were in power during the war and not considering the common soldiers, while on the side of Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the honor was to all those who sacrificed their lives during the war regardless of the ranks or significance. Another great difference it the time of their creation as well as the construction style of the monuments. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial was built during a postmodern era while Arc de Triomphe was built during neoclassicism era. Looking at the composer and the construction can help identify the difference in these time periods.

Another monument that can be considered to be under the same category of honoring and remembrance is the Contemporary postmodern memorial of the National September 11th Memorial and Museum. Peter Walker and Michael Arad designed it. It was made of steel, stone, water, and concrete (Gannon, 67). It is in New York. It take approximately 16 acres. This monument is sharing the same story and theme. The theme of honoring veterans and the story of the activities that occurred during that time. The 9/11 Memorial is a remembrance tribute that honors around 2977 individuals who died in the September 11 2001 terror attacks. Some were killed near Shanks Ville, at the World trade center, pentagon and Pennsylvania. Some, around six were killed on 26 February1993 in the World Trade Center bombing (Gannon, 45). This monument is more related to Vietnam Veterans Memorial compared to Arc de Triomphe concerning remembering all individuals who lost their live regardless of rank. However, the three still share common theme of honoring the war heroes.

Works Cited

Dávila, Denise, Sophie M. Ladd, and Amanda Melilli. “Maya Lin: Artist-Architect of Light and Lines: Designer of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.” Journal of Children’s Literature 44.2 (2018): 84-84.

Gannon, Erin. “(Post) Modern Architecture and the Commemoration of Mass Murder by the 9/11 Memorial in New York and the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin.” (2019).

Humble, Richard. Napoleon’s Admirals: Flag Officers of the Arc de Triomphe, 1789–1815. Casemate, 2019.

O’Neill, J. R. “Daedalus in DC: Vergil and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial 1.” The Aeneid and the Modern World. Routledge, 2021. 155-176.










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