The America dream

The America dream is the belief that anyone, irregardless of where he/she was born or at what class they were born in,one can achieve his dreams and goals in his own version of success.It is believed that through hard work, sacrifice and taking of risks the America dream is been attained, and it is not by any chance. James Truslow Adams in his book Epic of America.1 describes it as “that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement.”

In the recent statistics, there are 43 million immigrants living in America who have come to pursue their dream and opportunities far from their motherland.It is believed that out of ten,nine immigrants have a strong believe that the American Dream is possible to achieve and attain.They have a mentality that hard work,happiness and rich can be attained.Most of the immigrants cited their motive for coming to the U.S was to access better education and a higher standard of living .Luis o DeLaHoz left Colombia for U.S in late 2003 because of the political instability and economic crisis that was facing the country.When he arrived in U.S his dream was to open his own business,today his dreams were achieved , he is know generating wealth to Latino community through his business.He acknowledges that being in America has given him opportunities and support to pursue his dream.

Multiculturalism been the acknowledgement of the different ethnic groups culture and religion,in the U.S, multiculturalism is a key element of society that takes up ethnic and cultural diversity as core factors of social, economic and political effective.Jane Elliot once said “We don’t need a melting pot in this country, folks. We need a salad bowl. In a salad bowl, you put in the different things. You want the vegetables – the lettuce, the cucumbers, the onions, the green peppers – to maintain their identity. You appreciate differences”The American Dream has been a inspirating factor to immigrants seeking to move to the United States. The main aim of multiculturalism is to fight racial discrimination and ethnic racial so as to develop a new relation between people irregardless of their etnic so as to attain equality and democracy .

The dream of becoming anan engineer,doctor,neurosurgeon is largely depended on the education more especially the college education.In college students are given the opportunity to study their preferred fields in depth.Student are exposed to more fundamental ideas regarding life .College education will give the student insight on how to solve problems,express their ideas and come with new discoveries and knowledge .Skills and knowledge obtained in college education can be termed as a life time other hand one lacking college education will lack the life coaching skill and knowledge to have a successful life.The American Dream and education is what our founding fathers termed as the pursuit of pleasure.The America Dream is therefore built from the success and prosperity in relation with education.

Economic prosperity is an ideal of the American Dream , the U.S government has prioritized protecting citizen rights so as to achieve their dreams and goals .The country offers equal opportunity to every citizen irredardless of the economic and social  standards.Immigrants have a great contribution to the economy mostly in the areas of business,culture and arts.U.S economy is much dependent on the technology,technology innovation has been contributed by the people from other countries who have come to pursue The American Dream.






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